
  • Spring Multicultural Fair

    Save the date for our Multicultural Fair!  We’re excited about our Multicultural Fair, to celebrate our school’s diverse community and cultures from around the world! We would love for you to join us in sharing your unique heritage and traditions with our students.

    Please use this signup link if you’re interested in representing a country or culture. As a participant, we invite you to create an interactive display that will engage our students (Pre-K through 8th grade) and provide them with an enriching, educational experience. Your display might include elements like games, clothing, music, holidays, art, or dance.

    multicultural fair 

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  • Morning Show +

    Announcing the PLUS version of the TBK8 Morning Show:  Morning Show +

    This is a longer format that will allow our Morning Show crew to be creative and stretch their wings. 

    January's episode of Morning Show + is available for streaming now!  January Morning Show +


    Archived Shows:

     December 2024 Morning Show +

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  • Microsoft Showcase School for 2024-25!

    Microsoft Showcase Schools are recognized for creating student-centered, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so students are empowered to achieve more.  

    Click to view our Sway submission!

    showcase school

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  • Birthday Book Club

    birthday book club

    We are inviting students to take part in a special library program - our Birthday Book Club! This is a fun way to celebrate your child's special day and leave a lasting memory of them in the Lower Campus Library. Find out more by visiting the Birthday Book Club page.

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  • FTE Certification

    All educators in Florida are monitored to ensure they meet certification and training requirements as mandated by law.   When a teacher is assigned teaching duties out of the field in which the teacher is certified, the parents of all students in the class are notified.

    FTE Certification

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2024-25 Student Calendar

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