Morning Car Line Drop-Off
Carline drop-off: 9:15-9:30 am
•Option 1 – Cafeteria to enjoy breakfast. Released at 9:30 am
•Option 2 – Gymnasium to sit in bleachers and relax. No breakfast. Released at 9:30 am
•Option 3 – Outside courts to participate in athletics. No breakfast. Released at 9:27 am. (Coming soon.)
•All students must be seated in their first period by 9:35 am.
•Late bus students will receive breakfast and an excused pass to class.
• Late-arriving car riders will receive no breakfast and an unexcused pass to class. The drive-in drop-off gate locks at 9:30 a.m.
•Late walkers and bike riders without a parent will receive a phone call home, no breakfast, and an unexcused pass to class.
•All arrivals after 9:30 am must report to the secured buzz-in gate across from the front office.