A Hillsborough County Public School
6:00 PM Volleyball Home Game
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PTSA Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Math Homework Hotline
6:00 PM Volleyball Home Game
8:40 AM - 9:00 AM SAC Meeting
6:00 PM Volleyball Home Game
10:00 AM Report Cards Available
6:00 PM Volleyball @ Eisenhower
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Math Homework Hotline
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL(S): Daryl Young, Robert Stingone
Spread the word to BMS 8th graders about Blake HS's Open House, Aurora Borealis, is November 6, from 6-7:30.
This event will include an amazing performance that will showcase the incredible talent that is fostered in our Conservatory of the Arts. At the conclusion of the show, visitors will be able to tour our specialty art facility, meet faculty and students, and speak to other Blake parents. At Howard W. Blake School of the Arts, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide a rigorous academic schedule while also providing collegiate-level arts education.
Congratulations to our Barrington Middle School Excellence in Education Winners this year!
Ida S Baker- Mrs. Burgos-Halm
Teacher of the Year- Mrs. Attalla
Instructional Support of the Year- Mrs. Rodriguez