Elementary and K-8 School Program Information
Program Beginning and Closing Time: The HOST Program is available from student dismissal to 6:00 PM on school days. The Before School Program (in participating schools) is open 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM on school days.
Registration/Enrollment: You are registering for a SLOT in the program. Weeks are paid in full, regardless of whether your child(ren) attend(s). The annual registration fee is due at the time of registration and annually at the start of every school year in August. Any interruptions in payment during the year long program can result in removal/dismissal from the program.
Fee Payments: Fees are due every Friday prior to the week of service. Programs accept money orders or checks only NO CASH. Any NSF checks will result in payment options limited to money orders only.
Supervision: All children are carefully supervised and are released only to authorized persons as indicated by the Registration Form. Authorized persons must show identification and SIGN THE CHILD(REN) out each and every day.
Discipline: All children are expected to adhere to the school’s discipline rules and the HOST rules posted at the site. Parents will be notified in writing of recurring discipline problems. If the problems cannot be resolved, the child(ren) will be withdrawn from the HOST program indefinitely.
Civility: In order to provide a safe, caring and orderly environment, Hillsborough County Public Schools expects Civility from ALL who engage in school activities. Mutual respect, professionalism and common courtesy are essential qualities that ALL need to demonstrate in promoting an educational environment free from disruptions, harassments, bullying and aggressive actions.
Student Insurance: Supplemental accident insurance is taken out on each child in the HOST program.
Absentees: Please inform the HOST program when your child will be absent.
Activity Release: Hillsborough County Public Schools and/or employees associated with the HOST program will not be responsible for personal items brought from home such as: iPads, tablets, cell phones, game consoles, laptops, and other personal electronic devices.
Homework Time: Homework completion time of at least one-half hour. This service is provided through age grouping, students with no homework may work on other active learning projects brought from home or provided by afterschool. These materials should be age-appropriate reading, math, science, geography, match games, puzzles, or other activities. A location must be provided that is conducive for task completion. Staff must provide assistance.
Snack Time: At least 15 minutes will be allocated for the consumption of healthy snacks. Milk, juice and snacks are provided by the HOST Program. Breakfast, lunch and a snack will be provided on full-day operations.
Rest Time: No more than half an hour of supervised rest time will be observed (long days only- Summer Programming). Allowable activities include educational games, story or reading time, educational movies and/or relaxation.
Outdoor Activities: Supervised, organized and sequential activities including team games, locomotive skills exercises and/or playground time.
Enrichment: A minimum of 30 minutes must be set aside three times a week for academic enrichment. Activities such as art, music, sports, computerized educational programs, reading, math, science initiatives, educational games, story time, educational movies, or other academics are other choices. HOST Program staff members are responsible for the supervision and safety of the children during enrichment activities.
A weekly plan of activities incorporating the five general categories above may contain the following: group activities with arts and crafts instruction, a timely individual project, music appreciation, sing-along sessions or music activities using movement or action songs.