Ensuring Quality Instruction
Hillsborough County Public School’s MTSS-RtI Department provides our schools with a framework and process to ensure students have an opportunity to receive multi-tiered instruction/interventions within the general education environment with fidelity. The district’s framework incorporates a problem solving process for ensuring that quality instruction, social emotional learning, and school-wide positive behavior supports are delivered to ALL students.
Further, resources and supports are provided for schools to ensure interventions are matched to students’ needs, in the areas of academics, behavior, SEL, and attendance. Within HCPS, MTSS-RtI provides a framework for evidence-based instructional and intervention supports to be delivered at increasing levels of intensity in a 3 tiered model. These levels of support are often referenced as: Tier 1 (School-wide instruction/supports for all children); Tier 2 (Supplemental interventions for some children), and Tier 3 (Intensive individualized interventions for few students). The district’s MTSS-RtI Team is available to support parents, community stakeholders and schools while ensuring ALL students have an opportunity to be successful in school.