School News

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    Tell Us How We're Doing

    Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying Williams families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think. To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our 2025 Family Survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be. You may complete the survey online between January 6, 2025 and January 24th, 2025 using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the website:

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    Are You a Video, 2D, or 3D Artist? Show Off Your Skills at the SLAM Showcase!

    The SLAM Showcase program is designed to promote a love of reading among our students. It encourages students to read a variety of books and respond authentically to their reading via digital and artistic expression. Students participate by reading books they select from their grade level’s Florida award nominee list (Florida Literacy Association, Sunshine State Young Reader Award and Florida Teens Read). Students can then choose to respond through artistic expression and/or digital expression. Each school celebrates the student work at a site SLAM Showcase and submits outstanding entries from each Division/Category for the District event in spring of each year. The district SLAM Showcase event is a celebration of reading, the FL Award books and students with an exhibition of each school’s outstanding student work and recognitions. SLAM Showcase Q&A Who can participate? Students enrolled in grades 6 through 8 at Williams Middle Magnet IB School and read books from their grade level’s current year Florida Awards program lists (Sunshine State Young Readers) may participate. How are students selected to represent Williams at the district SLAM Showcase on March 5th? We will hold a Williams Middle Magnet IB School SLAM Showcase on February 6th during school for classes and teachers to visit and from 4 to 6 PM for families to visit to celebrate the work of all participating students. Ms. Hogsett will arrange for judging for each category. The judges will select one piece of exemplary work in each category to represent the school site at the Hillsborough County SLAM Showcase. All entries are due by 3:30 on Thursday, January 23, 2025.

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    Should/Must I Take a Semester Exam?

    Semester Grade Calculation Chart - Exam Considerations Attached is a Semester Grade Calculation Chart - Exam Considerations document, which outlines the grading criteria for semester courses. This chart provides a detailed breakdown of how semester grades are calculated, including the impact of exam grades on the final semester grade. This chart can be used as additional guidance in determining if a student should consider taking an exam to improve his or her semester grade. Please note that if a student takes a semester exam, the exam grade will be calculated into his or her final semester grade, whether it improves the grade or not. Key Points: The chart includes grade combinations for both middle school and high school credit courses. It highlights how different quarter grades and exam scores combine to form the final semester grade. Grade combinations that improve the semester grade are highlighted in yellow, while those that lower the average grade are in red font. There is also a section (page 2) explaining how the semester grade is calculated based on quarter grades alone (no exam grade). Reminders from Hurricane School Closure Exam Procedures: (also attached) Who will take Semester One Exams in Middle School? MS students who earn a Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 D/F or F/D grade combination in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and all high school credit courses. MS students who earn a Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 F/F grade combination in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies middle school courses. Please contact Ms. Callaway if you have any questions or need further information.

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    Arrival and Dismissal

    Parents, we want to say thank you for your patience and adherence to the car-rider line protocols.  This allows for the safety of everyone to be maintained.  Reminders: -Don't pick up or drop off along Ellicott.  It's extremely unsafe. -Pull all the way up to pick up or drop your child(ren) off.  This allows more cars to enter the line and get off of the street lessening traffic back up. -Turn RIGHT on to Ellicott St. when exiting the parking lot. -Don't pick up or drop off in the faculty parking lot unless your child is ESE. -Don't drop off before 8:00, unless there is supervision. HOST is available at 6:45 am. -5 MPH should be your maximum speed for everyone's safety. Note: In order to expedite the pick-up process, students will be seated and looking for your vehicle in this order: --Year 1 (in front of gate B) --Year 2,  --Year 3 --Carpool (4 or more) in front of the MPR

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  • Check Out Our Clubs

    With so many options, clubs offer students a way to cultivate their interests.

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    Post Disaster Community Resources

    Hillsborough County Public Schools is here to support families as they connect with the attached disaster relief resources. Families who have experienced a loss of housing should connect with our School Social Worker, Mr. Domokos ( to assess specific needs and additional available resources.

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    Do You Need Help With ParentVue?

    Parents and guardians should continue to access Canvas for current class grades, assignments, and communication with teachers. Synergy’s ParentVUE application provides additional student information like report cards, attendance, and graduation status.

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    How to Reset Your Student Password

    You can also update challenge questions, phone number, and alternate email.

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    Sign Outs End @ 1:45 on Mondays and 2:45 Tuesdays through Fridays

    Sign Out If you need to sign out your child, please ensure you have your ID and be mindful of the latest time you are able to sign out your child: -Mondays - 1:45 pm -Tuesday-Friday - 2:45 pm

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School Administrators


    ASSISTANT HEADS OF SCHOOL: Brooklyn Callaway & Gregory Hall


IB Corner

      • First Magnet Application Window - The application window is November 11 through December 31, 2024. 

    Middle Years Programme

    Click here for information about the IB Programme at Williams Middle Magnet. 

    IB World School

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