Terms/Conditions and Program Guidelines
For a child/ student to be eligible to enroll in the HOST Program, the child/ student:
- Must be in grade K through 8, and actively enrolled in Hillsborough County Public School (HCPS).
- Can be independent in daily self-care needs such as toileting, feeding, and dressing. Is not a danger to themselves or others.
- Can participate in large group activities, remain within the program location and under adult supervision without eloping (running away).
- Must have a zero balance from previous session(s).
- Must attend a brick-and-mortar school. (No e-learning students)
If you have any questions, please reach out to the HOST site instructor at your child’s school during program hours (2 PM to 6 PM). For immediate assistance, you can contact the HOST Administrative Office at (813) 744-8941. Additionally, you may find further assistance by visiting our
web page.HOURS OF OPERATION (varies based on school need)
School Year Afternoon Program: Dismissal until 6:00pm
School Year Before Program: Times may vary per school
Summer Program: 7:00am until 6:00pm-Monday-Thursday
Non School Days: Closed
(The HOST Program follows the district's Student Calendar which is subject to change).REGISTRATION FESS AND PAYMENT INFORMATION
Submission of an application does not secure a slot in a program.
Once the registration is submitted, and approved the registration fee becomes nonrefundable.Discounts for Current HCPS Employees Only
All discounts are only applied to the full school year base weekly rate. HCPS Employee must be the parent/legal guardian of the student to receive the discount. (HCPS Lawson Number will be verified to recieve discount). Upon separation of employment discounts no longer apply. Discounts do not apply for the summer session, drop-in session and may not be combined.SCHOOL READINESS ASSISTANCE
HOST does accept school readiness assistance certificates. Applications for childcare assistance are available for submission by visiting a School Readiness Satellite office or by visiting this website URL: https://familyservices.floridaearlylearning.com/Account/Register
For more information, please call the Childcare Resource Center and Referral Office at (813) 515-2340. Parents receiving financial assistance are required to:
- Enroll in HOST and bring School Readiness Certificate to the program.
- The child must be in kindergarten for HOST to accept assistance provided by the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County.
- Ensure their child is signed in and out daily.
- Stay current on accounts or it may result in loss of financial assistance or program slot.
- If services are terminated, the parent/guardian will be responsible for full payment.
HOST accepts online payments at all sites. Checks or money orders are accepted, at selected sites only, please speak with the HOST site instructor to see if checks, or money orders are an option. We encourage online payments as checks may take several weeks to process. Fees may be subject to change without prior notification. NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Weekly fees are not adjusted for short program weeks. This means that regardless of any unforeseen circumstances or district closures, the fees remain consistent. Additionally, if payment is not received by Tuesday of the service week, a $10.00 late charge will be added to the weekly fee. Failure to pay fees, including late charges, will result in your child being withdrawn from the program.
The HOST program closes at 6:00 p.m. A late pickup fee will be applied per student for students picked up after 6:00 p.m. Fees will be charged on the following scale: $5.00 for each 15-minute block of time until the child is picked up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Law enforcement and/ or child protective services may be contacted to initiate child abandonment procedures if the parent/ guardian does not contact the HOST program prior to 6:30 PM.
The Late Pickup Policy will be implemented for all children with a one-year enforcement period, August to July, or the anniversary date for children enrolling after the August starting date.
- First Incident – Written warning letter plus fee.
- Second Incident- Written warning letter plus fee and child excluded for 1 day.
- Third Incident- Written warning letter plus fee and child excluded for 1 week.
- Fourth Incident- Written notification, plus fee and child is withdrawn from the program.
Parents are given two vacation weeks per term per student: Fall (August- May) and Summer (June/July). Vacation weeks MUST be taken during the
term they are enrolled and do not carry over to the next term. The weeks must be preapproved and taken a full week at a time (School year Monday-Friday; Summer Monday- Thursday). Students may not attend any day of a vacation week without being charged for the week of service.By completing the HOST online enrollment form, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and consent for HOST to access your child's school records and information.
ATTENTION: When the online enrollment form is successfully completed and submitted, the enrollment form cannot be edited. To make changes contact the HOST Instructor at your child’s school.
The HOST Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. Notification of changes are made available in the Parent Portal.
Attendance is taken daily. Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the HOST Instructor of their child’s absence from HOST if the child/ student attended school during the day. Call the HOST program at your child’s school to inform the instructor of your child’s absence from HOST. If a child is absent from school, they may not attend HOST that day. For safety reasons students must be released from school and signed in by a HOST designee to access the school year program.
Students must be actively enrolled in school to attend the HOST Program.Registration in the program does not guarantee your child’s acceptance into the program. HOST reserves the right to:
- Prioritize HCPS Employee’s children.
- Prioritize families who are enrolled in current year’s HOST program and transferring to another school within the respective school year.
- Create a wait list based on established Early Learning Coalition mandates.
- Create a wait list with submitted enrollment form using date/time stamp.
Parents/Guardians: add yourself and at least two other people who are approved to sign your child in or out by clicking “Add Contact.” All persons (Emergency Contacts) listed will be considered emergency contacts and allowed to sign your child in or out. HOST reserves the right to communicate any arising incidents (i.e.,
behavioral concerns, payment reminders, etc.) with whoever is signing the child out. It is expected the contact person will share related communication with the parent/guardian. Photo ID is required for sign outs.The care of your child is our priority. Therefore, open lines of communication between HOST and families are vital. HOST may communicate with parents face-to-face, through written notes, email and/or SMS (text) messaging. We ask that our families:
- Keep us informed about any changes regarding your child or your child’s routine so that we may best serve the student(s) and the family.
Should a child become ill or injured, the facility will immediately contact the parent/guardian or the designated emergency contact(s) on the Emergency Contact form. Should the facility be unable to reach the parent/guardian the designated contact person(s), the facility is authorized to contact my child’s physician and/or arrange for immediate emergency treatment. The parent/guardian understands the physician and/or medical facility is authorized to administer emergency medical treatment to ensure the health and safety of the child. HOST follows all district approved recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
CDC - Centers fro Disease Control
CDC Flu Information
IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT send your child to HOST if they are ill. For everyone’s safety, you will pick up your child as soon as you are notified if they become ill during HOST. Your child may be isolated until parent/guardian/emergency contact picks up your child.DISCIPLINE
All children are expected to adhere to the school and HOST rules posted online and at the school site. Parents will be notified of recurring discipline problems. If
problems cannot be resolved, the child will be withdrawn from the HOST program indefinitely. Working together, HOST administrative staff and the principal reserve the right to withdraw any student without warning for major discipline infraction and/or failure to meet HOST criteria agreed upon by parent at time of registration.
The Discipline Policy will be implemented for all children in all sessions regardless of when the infraction(s) took place. There will be a one-year enforcement period, August to July, or anniversary date for children enrolling after the August starting date.- First Incident – Written warning letter
- Second Incident – Written warning letter and child excluded for 1 day.
- Third Incident – Written warning letter and child excluded for 1 week.
- Fourth Incident – Written notification that child is withdrawn from the program.
In order to provide a safe, caring, and orderly environment, Hillsborough County Public Schools expects Civility from ALL who engage in school activities. Mutual respect, professionalism, and common courtesy are essential qualities that ALL need to demonstrate in promoting an educational environment free from disruptions, harassment, bullying, and aggressive actions. Unacceptable Behavior Behaviors that interfere with or threaten to interfere with school activities, including but not limited to:
- Using loud offensive language or profanity
- Intimidating, harassing, bullying and inappropriate display of temper
- Threatening verbal or physical harm
- Threatening, abusive, or obscene telephone conversations, written communication, electronic mail, or voice 4
https://hostportal.cayen-server.net - HOST program only allows one primary account holder to manage their child’s online account per term; this includes access to all financial information to include tax information. HOST reserves the right to disable the account for misuse or for any reasons of inaccuracy.
A NONREFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE is due at the time of registration approval for the school year and summer terms. Paying your weekly fee holds a slot in the program. Weeks and any additional fees are to be paid in full, regardless of whether your child attends. Fees are based on selected sessions. Sessions cannot be changed without possible withdrawal. Must be attending brick and mortar. Students may be placed at the bottom of the Waiting List if withdrawn for any reason.
A NONREFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE is due at the time of registration approval for the school year and summer terms. Payment is based on attendance in the program during the school year. Weeks and any additional fees are to be paid in full when your child attends. After a two-week break in service, please contact the HOST Instructor for the re-enrollment process (re-enrollment fees may apply).
A NONREFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE is due at the time of registration approval for school year term. Payment is due before or on the day of service. A late fee will be applied if payment is not made the day service is utilized. Drop-in services must be preapproved with HOST instructor, and is based on site enrollment availability, along with having a zero-account balance. Once arrangements have been approved for the day, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the school of that student’s dismissal plan for the day. Students may be placed at the bottom of the Waiting List if withdrawn for any reason.
A NONREFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE is due at the time of registration approval. Paying your weekly fee holds a slot in the program. Weeks are to be paid for in full, regardless of whether your child attends. Fees are based on selected sessions. Sessions cannot be changed without possible withdrawal. Child must be actively enrolled and attending a Hillsborough County public school to attend the HOST summer program. Students may be placed at the bottom of the waiting list if withdrawn for any reason.
HOST is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property.HOST follows the district’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy as outlined in the
Pursuant to Title VI, Title IX, Section 504/Title II and other civil rights regulations, the School District of Hillsborough County (District) does not discriminate nor tolerate harassment on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, genetic information or pregnancy in its educational programs, services or activities, or in its hiring or employment practices, and it will take immediate action to eliminate such harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. The district also provides equal access to its facilities to the Boy Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, as required by the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies:
Dr. Pansy Houghton, Executive Officer, Compliance
Office of the Chief of Staff
901 East Kennedy Boulevard
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 272-4000
pansy.houghton@hcps.netThe following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding Section 504 policies:
Suzette Sample, Assistant Director
1202 E. Palm Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 273-7060Website Accessibility Statement
The School District of Hillsborough County is committed to providing websites that are accessible to all of our stakeholders. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, eye-tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) and are experiencing difficulty accessing information on this site, the following person has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints related to the functionality or inaccessibility of online content:
Dr. Pansy Houghton, Executive Officer, Compliance Office of the Chief of Staff
901 E. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33602
(813) 272-4000
pansy.houghton@hcps.netAs required by Section 668.6076, Florida Statutes, you are hereby notified that: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. History.--s. 1, ch. 2006-