Fire Inspection, Safety & Risk Management Office

  • The Risk Management and Safety Office, under our Operations division, covers a wide variety of areas, which includes all non-employee insurance such as property, workers compensation, student athletic insurance and other general liability insurance programs. Hillsborough County Public Schools is a special fire district and the risk and safety director serves as the district's Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for all items related to fire safety.

    The office is also responsible for environmental inspections, assessments, transportation and the overall management of safety in the district.

    Just as our district has become a statewide leader in security and a statewide leader in academics, we are committed to becoming a statewide leader in student safety.

Current Safety Initiatives

  • Radon image
    Learn more about the steps taking place to ensure radon testing is up to date in all of our district schools and sites.

    water image

    Learn more about what the district is doing to test the water in our district schools and sites for lead.

  • Report a Concern
  • Documents & Forms
  • Resources, Services & Responsibilities
  • Contacts