The Office of Student Conduct and Support (OSCS) is responsible for addressing the disciplinary needs of the students of Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS). This team upholds the School Board policies through the development, monitoring, and refinement of the HCPS Student Code of Conduct (SCOC). Procedures are designed and shared with school administration to further support Board policy and the SCOC, and to guide disciplinary procedures at the school sites.
Additionally, the OSCS works with students who have committed egregious offenses on school grounds, causing disruption of the learning environment and/or jeopardizing the safety of themselves or others. The OSE team connects students and their families with supports from Mental Health Clinicians, School Counselors, and ESE Staff to identify strategies that can support the student in the learning environment, the home environment or a more restrictive learning environment if needed. The OSCS trains school administration and staff in these research-based strategies and supports, as well as positive behavior interventions, restorative practices, and social emotional supports.