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  •  Instructional Support

    Instructional Support

    Students with Disabilities (SWD) receive instruction with specialized instructional supports that are provided by both general education and special education teachers. For many students with disabilities - and for many without - success in the classroom depends upon having appropriate adaptations, accommodations and modifications made to the instruction and any other classroom activities.

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  • Behavior Supports

    The Behavior Supports program may serve individuals that require intensive behavioral interventions and supports. Students may receive behavioral interventions and supports such as a classroom behavior management system, instruction through social skills curriculum, individual behavior contract, individual positive behavior intervention plan, counseling as a related service, and/or point level system.

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  •  Compliance and Staffing

    Compliance & Staffing

    The Compliance and Staffing department assists the General Director of Exceptional Student Education (ESE) in the provision of services to students with disabilities and their families, and to school and district staff, to ensure that district processes, procedures and policies align with all federal laws and regulations, Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rules.

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  •  PreK


    The Hillsborough County Public Schools Prekindergarten ESE Program provides services for approximately 2,800 children, ages three to five, who have a developmental delay/disability which requires specialized instruction. This educational environment offers many opportunities for active learning experiences in key developmental areas.

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  •  Transition


    Secondary transition refers to the process a student with a disability goes through as they move from high school to postsecondary endeavors, including postsecondary education, employment and independent living. In Florida, this begins at age 14 or earlier and may not end until 22 for students with significant disabilities.

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  •  Dispute Resolution

    Dispute Resolution

    Parents of students with disabilities and school districts sometimes disagree as to what special education and related services are appropriate. Resolving differences or concerns in the least adversarial manner and closest to the school level is the best way.

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  •  Choice Options

    Choice Options

    At Hillsborough Schools, parents can choose from various schools based on their child’s interests and way of learning. Options can be based on location, curriculum, interests or system of learning (either brick-and-mortar or virtual schools, for example).

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  •  Parent Resources

    Parent Resources

    In Hillsborough County Public schools, we are committed to providing a wide-variety of high-quality educational options, programs and services for students and families. As a parent, you play a critical role in this process. Our goal is to guide and empower families to become collaborative, effective advocates for their child with special needs by providing information and support to promote academic and social success in school and within the community.

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  • Exceptional Student Education: One Team One Goal, We Climb Together logo