Who Should I Call First?
In Exceptional Student Education (ESE), we want to empower families by providing information and support to promote academic and social success at school. We understand the importance of communication and hope that the steps outlined in this diagram will help you identify your student’s support network and who to contact first to get answers to your questions in an efficient and timely manner.
Steps 1 through 4: Most questions can be quickly answered by staff at your child's school. Contact your child's teacher, case manager or ESE contact, therapist, a member of the Student Services Team (Health Services, School Counselor, Social Worker or Psychologist), the Assistant Principal or Principal for help.
Step 5: Contact the school ESE Regional Supervisor or ESE Program Supervisor
Step 6: Contact the district Region SuperintendentRemember, no matter where you are in the process, your ESE Parent Liaison can help!
FDLRS is funded by the Florida Department of Education, Division of Public Schools, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through federal assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B and State General Revenue funds.