Social Work Services

  • With Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) being the 7th largest school district in the nation, serving over 210,000 students across 270+ school sites, our school social workers play a crucial role in preparing students for life. They bring immense value to our students and our community. They are not just school social workers, but also mentors, advisors, and more!

    School Social Workers at HCPS
    School social workers are essential for students' well-being and academic success. They provide professional services such as crisis intervention, counseling, and school-based interventions. They also work on strengthening family involvement, engaging community resources, and assessing the need for special services. School social workers address learning, behavior, and attendance concerns, creating partnerships between home, school, and the community to support students.

    They serve students from early childhood through adult education in all district elementary, middle, and high schools on a rotating basis. They lead programs including attendance remediation, dropout prevention, bilingual support, alternative education, homeless services, and mental health counseling. Full-time services are available at select Title 1 schools.

    School social workers have Master's degrees in social work and many are licensed as mental health professionals. They bring experience from different agency settings, utilizing a strength-based perspective and navigating systems for students and families.

Lamon Caldwell, School Social Worker

Ondrea Haydel, School Social Worker