Middle School Forms & Eligibility

      • Middle School Student Athletic Procedures (Student Forms)

        The following requirements must be completed PRIOR to registration of all student-athletes:

        • EL2 Physical Form
          (Page 4 of 4 must be completed which includes:  signed, stamped, dated, and cleared without limitations by approved medical personnel.  The supplement page may be required.)
        • Three (3) required FHSAA Videos (Concussion for Students, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat Illness Prevention)
          (print all three certificates in student-athlete’s name, dated after May 15, 2024)
        • Purchase Insurance
          (print insurance card)
        • Government Issued Photo Identification of parent/guardian who is signing the forms for the student-athlete

        Planet High School/BigTeams Athletic Pre-Participation Forms Getting Started Guide

        Once all of these documents are collected and ready for upload, please complete the online registration for your student-athlete at www.planeths.com

        For assistance with online registration, please use the help/support feature within the program or contact the Assistant Principal for Administration at your student-athlete’s school.

        Middle School Eligibility

        Scholastic Requirements
        To be academically eligible for middle school extramurals a student must have a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) based on an unweighted 4.0 scale from the previous semester to try out and participate in a sport. He or she must complete a weekly progress report from each assigned teacher beginning one week before the first contest regarding his or her academics and conduct. An “F” in conduct will disqualify the student from extramural participation for the coming week. Students without documentation of grades are ineligible.

        The student must be a bona fide student at the school where he or she is participating and must be assigned to the school by Hillsborough County Public Schools. Additionally, home school students who are registered through Hillsborough County Public Schools and charter school students who are enrolled in a Hillsborough County registered charter school are eligible for athletic participation at their school of residence.

        Any player displaying unsportsmanlike behavior or any misconduct will be removed from the game and may not return during that game or the next contest. If it is the last game of a sport season, this suspension will carry over to the next contest where the student is eligible for participation.

        Any student that has reached the age of 15 before July 1st will be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for that year.

        Limit of Eligibility
        A student may participate in middle school extramurals for three years. The first year as a sixth grader, the first year as a seventh grader, and the first year as an eighth grader. Eligibility begins with the promotion to the next grade.

      High School Forms & Eligibility

      • High School Student Athletic Procedures (Student Forms)

        The following requirements must be completed PRIOR to registration of all student-athletes:

        • Athletic Clearance/Home Campus Instructions
        • EL2 Physical Form
          (Page 4 of 4 must be completed which includes:  signed, stamped, dated, and cleared without limitations by approved medical personnel.  The supplement page may be required.)
        • Three (3) required FHSAA Videos (Concussion for Students , Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat Illness Prevention)
          (print all three certificates in student-athlete’s name, dated after May 15, 2024)
        • Purchase Insurance
          (print insurance card)
        • Government Issued Photo Identification of parent/guardian who is signing the forms for the student-athlete - address must match Proof of Residence
        • Proof of Residence (example: utility bill dated within the last 30 days, mortgage, lease agreement, tax bill, etc.) in the parent/guardian's name
        • Birth Certificate of Student-Athlete

        Once all of these documents are collected and ready for upload, please complete the online registration for your student-athlete at https://athleticclearance.fhsaahome.org/

        For assistance with online registration, please use the help button within the program or contact the Assistant Principal for Administration at your student-athlete’s school.

        Senior High Eligibility

        Academic Requirements
        If you are in the 11th grade or 12th grade, you must have a cumulative 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 unweighted scale in all courses taken through the end of the previous semester. If you are in the 9th grade or 10th grade, you must have a cumulative 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 unweighted scale in all courses taken through the end of the previous semester; OR you must have earned a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 unweighted scale in the courses taken in the previous semester alone, provided you sign an academic performance contract (FHSAA form EL5) with your school and attend summer school as necessary. (Article 9.4, FHSAA Handbook, Bylaws and Policies)

        Ninth Grade Eligibility
        A student shall be eligible during the first semester of his/her ninth-grade year provided that it is the student’s first entry into the ninth grade and he/she was regularly promoted from the eighth grade the immediately preceding year.

        A student will be eligible at the first school in which he/she enrolls, or participates in an athletic practice, at the beginning of each school year. The student will be eligible in his/her first school of choice each year as long as the student remains enrolled in that school (Florida Law 97-53). Additionally, home school students who are registered through Hillsborough County Public Schools and charter school students who are enrolled in a Hillsborough County registered charter school are eligible for athletic participation at their school of residence.

        Per School Board Policy 2431.01, student-athletes who transfer are allowed to immediately participate in interscholastic athletics for their new school as long as they are enrolled prior to the start of a specific sport’s season. Student-athletes that participate in a sport at their previous school during the same school year may not participate in the same sport unless they meet one of the following criteria:

        1. Dependent children of active duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders.
        2. Children who have been relocated due to a foster care placement in a different school zone.
        3. Children who move due to a court-ordered change in custody due to separation or divorce, or the serious illness or death of a custodial parent.
        4. Authorized good cause established in this policy.

        Students reaching the age of 19 before July 1st will be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for that school year and beyond.

        Limit of Eligibility
        A student shall be eligible for no more than four (4) consecutive academic years upon first entrance to ninth grade as defined by the pupil progression plan of the school in which the student is enrolled. A student who does not attend school, repeats any grade, is declared ineligible to participate, or otherwise fails to exercise the opportunity to participate for any reason for any length of time during this four-year period shall not be entitled to any additional period of eligibility.

        Eligibility Requirements for Extracurricular Participation