School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
The School Health Services Act (section 381.0056, Florida Statutes) mandates each county have a SHAC. Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) SHAC committee represents the ten (10) components of the Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child Model. The 10 components include Health Education; Physical Education and Physical Activity; Nutrition Environment and Services; Health Services; Counseling, Psychological and Social Services; Social and Emotional Climate; Physical Environment; Employee Wellness; Family Engagement and Community Involvement. In addition, SHAC is a group of individuals, health care practitioners, parents, students, representatives from health care agencies, health educators, universities, school health representatives from both the DOH and the school district, faith community, and various segments of the community who serve in an advisory capacity and make recommendations on the Coordinated School Health model and its impact on student health and learning. HCPS has received the Healthy District Award four times in a row. The SHAC and wellness meetings are held quarterly.