Immunization Requirements for Entry into Florida Schools

  • Students from Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade who are coming into a Florida school for the first time must present an immunization record (DH 680) and a current Florida School Entry Physical Examination, Form (DH 3040). The immunization record must show that the student has met the minimum state requirements for that grade. Immunizations are provided at no charge by the Department of Health, Hillsborough County.

Immunization Requirements for 2023-2024 School Year Entry

  • The School Health Services Program oversees or provides mandated services in accordance with Florida Statute sections 381.0056, 381.0057, and 402.3026. School health services' purpose is to minimize health barriers to learning for public school students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. To help ensure the provision of safe and appropriate county-level school health services, the Department of Health, Hillsborough, School Health Program office work in conjunction with Hillsborough County Public Schools, School Health Services Department to implement health services and state mandates provided in our public schools.

  • Immunization Requirements for Pre-Kindergarten

  • Immunization Requirements for Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade

  • Immunization Requirements for students entering seventh through twelfth grade

  • Additional Immunization Recommendations:

  • If you have private health insurance or Medicaid, contact your health care provider. If you do not have private health insurance or Medicaid, contact the Florida Department of Health, Hillsborough County Immunization Clinic for further information.

    State Mandated Screenings
    School Health Services is responsible for state-mandated screenings, Florida Statute 381.0056(6)(e). Vision and hearing screenings are necessary to identify impairments that interfere with learning. In addition, growth and development, body mass index (BMI) and scoliosis screenings are necessary to prevent complications associated with obesity and diabetes and heart and lung damage, respectively. The mandatory grade levels are listed below:

    • Vision screening – provided to students in grades KG, 1, 3, and 6. Vision screening will also be performed on all students entering Florida schools for the first time in grades KG through 5.
    • Hearing screening – provided to students in grades KG, 1, and 6.
    • Hearing screening will also be performed on all students entering Florida schools for the first time in grades KG through 5.
    • Growth and development screening with BMI – provided to students in grades 1, 3, and 6.
    • Scoliosis screening – provided to students in grade 6.

    All students who do not pass their screening will be referred for further examination and corrective measures. If you are in need of a health care provider for your child, please contact your school nurse. If you do not want your child to participate in any of the mandated screenings, you must notify your child's school nurse in writing before the assigned screening date every school year a screening is required. Please ask your child's school for the date or dates of the scheduled screenings. In addition, please provide your child's results from that particular screening to be included in your child's health record.