Management of Life Threatening Health Conditions

  • A student may be permitted to self-administer medication for potentially life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes, allergies, asthma, and cystic fibrosis. Guidelines for this process are based on F.S. 1002.20(3) (h)-(k). Written authorization is needed from the student’s physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant certifying that the student has the life-threatening illness. In addition, the licensed health care provider is attesting that the student is capable of and has been instructed in the proper administration of the required medicine and/or procedure for management of life-threatening health condition(s). Also, the parent/guardian must sign a written authorization for their child to self-administer medication. This authorization also includes a statement that the school district shall incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the self-administration. The permission is effective for the school year and will be reviewed annually. Please note that permission may be revoked if there is reason to believe that the life-sustaining medication, treatment, equipment or supplies are being used inappropriately. Parent/guardian should contact the clinic at their child’s school site for appropriate paperwork.