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Parent and Community Involvement Opportunities

Great American Teach In

Share your Career; share your life, with children.  Come talk about your job or hobby...set a good example.

You are invited to be a speaker for the 2024 Great American Teach in on Thursday November 21 at Walker Middle Magnet!

Click here to: SignUp TODAY

For more information, please visit the Great American Teach In  page on the Hillsborough Schools website.


Join the Walker IB Wolf Pack Team:

Keep jingling this season for a great reason: CHANGE THE FUTURE OF ARTHRITIS TODAY. Arthritis is the nation’s #1 cause of disability, affecting nearly 60 million Americans, including 300,000 children. Join our team, raise funds, and help us make a difference in their quality of life today and help researchers ultimately discover a cure.
Walker Families, Teachers, Friends, and Furry Friends are welcome to join our team!  to an external site.
We will be wearing Walker Spirit Shirts and Holiday Gear...hats, jewelry, socks...! This will be a fun holiday event and an opportunity to fulfill some of your Service As Action hours by raising awareness of arthritis and by raising money for research.
Event Schedule
Sunday, December 15, 2024
9:00 a.m. - Registration & Check-In Opens and Festivities Begin
9:00-9:45 a.m. - Costume Contest Entry
9:30 a.m. - Warm Up & Opening Ceremonies
10:00 a.m. - 5K Run Start
10:05 a.m. - 1-Mile Walk Start
10:30 a.m. - Post-Race Party
10:45 a.m. - Juvenile Arthritis Family Meetup
11:00 a.m. - Winners Announced
11:15 a.m. - Kid’s Dash
11:30 a.m. - Silent Auction Closes
Event Location
George M. Steinbrenner Field
1 Steinbrenner Drive
Tampa, FL 33614


IB Basics - Parent Series

You are invited to learn more about your child's International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme at Walker Middle Magnet IB World School!

This parent series will cover many different aspects of our IB MYP school. You can sign up for one or all of the presentations. Space is limited to 99 per session. 

  • Service As Action - Learn about the community service requirements for all Walker students.
  • IB Learner Profile - The IB Learner Profile is a key element of an IB Education. It places the student at the centre of an IB Education. Learn how you can support the learner profile at home!
  • Approaches to Teaching & Learning - Learn about the strategies that IB teachers use to meet the needs of their students. Learn about the skills we teach our students so they can "learn how they learn".
  • International Mindedness - Learn about the aim of all IB develop internationally minded people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardian ship of the planet.
  •  A Broad, Balanced, Conceptual and Connected Curriculum - What is taught in IB Schools?
  • IB Policies -Understand our Academic Integrity, Inclusion, Language, Assessment, and Admission policies.
  • IB Culture of Honor -Learn about Walker's positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) plan was developed by a multi-disciplinary committee devoted to encouraging students to actively demonstrate the IB Learner Profile.
  • Year 3 Community Project - Learn about the MYP Required project that is introduced in the 8th grade Critical Thinking-IB Design Course.



Walker Campus Clean Ups

WHEN: Saturday, November 16, 2024  7:30am - 10:00am Walker Volunteers: Walker Clean Ups ( 
  • Parents and Community Members  are needed.
  • Students must be accompanied by an adult on Saturday dates.
WHEN: Saturday, April 26, 2025 7:30am - 10:00am  Walker Volunteers: Walker Clean Ups ( 
  • Parents and Community Members  are needed.
  • Students must be accompanied by an adult on Saturday dates.
WHAT TO WEAR: Closed-toed shoes that can get wet, hat, garden gloves, sunglasses & sunscreen (additional gloves and trash bags will be provided)
WHAT TO BRING: Gardening/yard tools, refillable water bottle and LOTS of ENERGY!! We need shovels and concrete to repair the patio walkway and picnic table pad. We need chain saws and hedge trimmers for our lakeside project (ADULTS ONLY). Shovels and wheelbarrows for the crushed shell.
WHO: Walker Students, High School Students, Parents, Teachers, and Community Members

SERVICE HOURS:  Complete the Reflection:

PTSA Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Click here to connect to the SignUp Genius for ALL Events through PTSA!

Link to PTSA Website

Adults must complete the HCPS Volunteer Application

  • Jeans Day The 1st Friday of each month the kids are able to wear jeans with their spirit shirts for $1. We need volunteers to help collect money and give out bracelets. 

  • Volunteers needed to make Popcorn & Sno-Cones during lunches! Variety of dates throughout the school year!