
  • Principal/IB Head of School: Heather Holloway

    Phone: (813) 631-4726
    Fax: (813) 631-4738

    Student Hours: 8:30 AM to 3:25 PM

    Uniforms: Mandatory Uniforms

    Before School Program: Yes
    After School Program: Yes

    National Center for Education Statistics

    Know Your Schools Portal



    Walker Middle Magnet IB World School is a Hillsborough County Public School located in the northwest corner of Hillsborough County at 8282 N Mobley Road in Odessa, Florida. Walker offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students in grades 6-8. To attend Walker, you must apply for the magnet lottery during the choice application window. Click here to see a map of all IB Magnet Schools  

    • Florida School of Excellence - top 20% of all middle schools
    • National Magnet School of Excellence 
    • Grade “A” from the State of Florida every year since we became a magnet school in the 2011-2012 school year
    • Five Star School - exemplary community involvement  
    • Florida Power-Library School - an outstanding library program that supports the success of students


    Our mission is equipping globally-minded students to think, collaborate and act with care. Our vision is empowering students to take what they have learned and make the world a better place. Our motto is  Rigor - Service – Play. Our mascot is the Wolf and the Walker community is the Wolf Pack.

    "For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."  Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

    The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB  MYP) Curriculum is “Best Practice” education that helps students see connections between subjects and overarching ideas. It helps students focus on “How” they learn so they can be successful learners, and it encourages them to ask questions. 

    The IB Middle Years Programme curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. The eight Required IB MYP Subjects and the district subject names:

    1. Mathematics (Math)
    2. Sciences (Science)
    3. Language and Literature (ELA and Reading)
    4. Language Acquisition (World Languages)
      • Spanish
      • French
    5. Individuals and Societies (US History, Civics, World History)
    6. Physical and Health Education (PE)
    7. Arts (Electives)
      • Agriculture
      • Art
      • Band
      • Computer/Technology
      • Culinary
      • Orchestra
      • Robotics
      • Yearbook                                  
    8. Design
      • Year 1 Design: (Grade 6 Incorporated into Earth/Space Science)
      • Year 2 Design: (Grade 7 Computer Applications in Business)
      • Year 3 Design & Community Project: (Grade 8 Critical Thinking)


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