Unity Day



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Rubiceida Diaz


  • Youth Conference 

    Conference Goal: To empower all students to be agents of change for UNITY by getting to know themselves and each other in order to make their schools safer for everyone. 

    Students are encouraged to:

    • interact with your peers in positive ways, those who are like you, and those different from you
    • notice and listen to how our ideas, attitudes, and actions impact us and our community
    • practice being more inclusive at our school and beyond


    General Goals:

    • smile and be open and friendly
    • practice and model getting to know new people
    • be the first to listen and support following instructions
    • ask questions and take mental notes or written notes of things you want to remember
    • make a goal to make meaningful connections- how many can you sustain?
    • note your biases and attitudes, reflect on your leadership
    • capture ideas of what we can do to be better HUMANS
    • practice being an inclusive leader

  • What participants are saying:

    Over 95% of participants enjoyed Unity Day and felt it brought people together.

    97% of participants strongly recommend other students to attend Unity Day.

    Every participant agrees that they feel more motivated to bring change to the world, and 67% of people strongly agree they learned how to advocate for change during Unity Day.

    The majority of Unity Day participants agree that they would like to become a leader!

    More than 72% of participants are more confident that the world can change for the better after Unity Day.