  • Media Center Hours

    Mondays – 9:45 – 3:20 (Ten minutes after school begins until ten minutes before school ends)

    Tuesdays through Fridays 9:45 – 4:20 (Ten minutes after school begins until ten minutes before school ends)

    The Media Center may be accessible during hours before and after school through prior arrangement with the Media Specialist.

    Using the Media Center 

    Please use the hand sanitizer as you enter the Media Center.

    Book bags go on tables in the Non-Fiction area.

    When it is time to leave, please use disinfectant wipes to wipe down mice, keyboards, and tables and clean where you sat.

    Please discard the wipes in a trash can.

    Please push in chairs.


    On-site Book Check Out:  First Checkout = 1 book for 2 weeks.  If book returned by due date, may then check out 2 books for 2 weeks.

    Books may be renewed one time.

    Students will be scheduled to visit with their Language Arts teachers for their first book check out.  After all Language Arts classes have had a visit, students may get a pass from their teacher to visit during the school day.  E-Books are available for check out 24/7 using the student number.  See E-Books for more information.

    Lost or Damaged books cost:  Fiction $10.00/Non-fiction $15.00


    Students must have a signed pass to enter the Media Center.

    Students must go straight to the Circulation Desk as they enter the Media Center and wait for directions from the Media Specialist. 

    Students may use ONLY assigned computers to complete assignments.  If a student sits at a computer before being assigned to that seat, the student will be sent back to class.

    Research should be done using the Virtual Library approved databases (if prompted, use hcpsfl as username and/or password).  These databases appear on the right of the Virtual Library page.  (NOTE:  Consider beginning your research with World Book Student.  Should you need more information, use the Gale databases for additional coverage of a topic.)

    Students should complete their assigned task on their pass.

    Students should return to class ten minutes before the bell for the period.

    Unfortunately, our computer configuration does not allow for student printing.  If a student needs to print something, we suggest sending it to the teacher through Canvas or Office 365.  

    Please be considerate of others as you use your Media Center.  Whole classes may be scheduled by their teachers to use the technology of our two computer labs. In addition, we often have students and classes here for testing, research, clubs, and more.  Please respect others when you are here by keeping your voice low, pushing in chairs, and throwing away trash.