• Currently enrolled students: Request official High School Transcripts

    Request Official High School Transcripts of Student Summary (unofficial transcript)

    Please note that if you are requesting a transcript for personal use(filling out college applications, to check GPA/class rank etc.), the transcript will be e-mailed to you. Transcripts CANNOT be picked up in person, unless it is for a Scholarship and needs the official seal. Please note in the Special Instructions section the name of each scholarship you need a transcript for.

    If you are requesting transcripts to be sent to colleges, please request using college name and address. Colleges only receive transcripts directly from the school.


    Please note: Placing an order on your cell phone may not work.

    There should be no charge for current students, if you are charged in error please let us know and we will refund you through the scriborder system.

    Former Students:

    Request official High School Transcripts, Graduation Verification, Employment Verification and Health Records online at Alumni Transcript Request | Hillsborough County Public Schools Records Request (scriborder.com)

    Please note: Placing an order on your cell phone may not work.