A Hillsborough County Public School
Rachel Stewart, Principal's Secretary (Ext. 224)
Melissa Andersen, Book Keeper (Ext. 226)
Taquanda Carlton, Assistant Principal of Administration Secretary/Athletics (Ext. 222)
Wancarlie Garnier - Climate & Culture (Ext. 248)
Michelle Hart - Testing Coordinator (Ext. 243)
Kimberly Larry - Student Affairs Secretary (Ext. 247)
July Pina - Student Affairs Secretary (Ext. 246)
Ricardo Reyes-Nieves - IT (Ext. 355)
Suzie Ratliff - Data Processor (Ext. 230)
Elizabeth Reynoso - Attendance Clerk (Ext. 252)
Raquel Posso - Guidance Secretary (Ext. 234)
Jennifer Pozzuoli, Assistant Principal of Curriculum Secretary (Ext. 223)