• Create with Kindness

    Five things to help you navigate this online video experience:

    1. Agenda
    2. Participant Handouts
    3. YouTube Video
    4. Upload a picture
       (IMPORTANT: We need your help by providing a picture while watching the video with your child, so our PTSA is in compliance with the grant and we can receive our $1,000 grant money.)
    5.  THANK YOU and Session Survey

    1. Session Agenda

    2. Participant Handouts: Tips to Navigate Online | Checklist

    3. YouTube Video: Create with Kindness

    This self-paced session is hosted by PTA Connected Ambassador Carrie Neill. Learn more at PTA.org/PTAConnected

    4.Upload a picture to Riverview High School PTSA Social Media: fb

    5. Thank you and Session Survey

    Thank you for participating in the Create with Kindness program, made possible by National PTA and TikTok. We appreciate the time you took to learn about digital kindness and talk about technology as a family.

    1. If you have not done so already, please complete the session survey, Link is above. Your feedback will help us improve future events like this one.
    2. Share the family Tik Toks you created!
    3. Keep the conversations going at home by completing the Smart Talk together.
    4. If you are not a member of our PTSA, we encourage you to join today!  Click here to join!