ALTC helps students with disabilities get the most out of college by providing reasonable accommodations to ensure access to all academic programs, campus organizations, services and activities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

    All ALTC activities, organizations, courses and career programs are open to all students.

    What is the definition of a disability and who is eligible to receive services?

    The ADA defines a person with a disability as any person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more of such person’s major life activities; has a record of such impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment. You may be eligible to receive services if you have been diagnosed with a disability. Disabilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Specific Learning Disability (SLD), visual impairment, hearing impairment, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech/Language Impairment, etc.

    Adult Learner With A Disability? What You Should Know…

    As an individual with a disability, you can make a request for accommodations. You are not required to disclose your disability. You should inform us of your disability if you want to make a request for accomodations. Your needs should be discussed with a Counselor during your registration. We will request that you provide appropriate documentation of your disability.

    To Request Accomodations

     To request accomodations, you must complete the following steps:

    • self-identify
    • provide appropriate documentation of your disability

    All disability documentation must be on letterhead and signed by the professional completing the paperwork. We treat all information you provide with strict confidentiality.


    Our goal is to understand how your disability impacts you so that an appropriate plan can be developed. We value hearing your experiences, history, and perspective. In addition, any form of documentation or information that you can provide to our office can help us in working with you to develop an accommodation plan.

    Examples of Helpful Documentation or Information

    • Educational records, such as a high school accommodation plan (IEP, 504 plan, etc.)
    • Neuropsychological or educational evaluation
    • Medical records
    • Statement from a health, mental health, or other service provider
    • Audiology report
    • Vision assessment
    • Vocational assessment
    • Proof of accommodations used on standardized exams (SAT, ACT, etc.) 
    • SDS disability assessment form (see below for appropriate form)