• sportsball

    Click here to buy tickets

    Basketball Games

    -Tuesday, 9/3 - @Mann
    -Monday, 9/9 - @Burns
    -Thursday, 9/12 - Home vs. Progress Village
    -Monday, 9/16 - Home vs. Giunta
    -Thursday, 9/26 - @Dowdell  (canceled because Dowdell doesn't have teams)
    -Tuesday, 10/1 - Home vs. Jennings (BOYS ONLY!)
    Tuesday through Thursday games start at 6:00 for the Girls and the Boys begin at 7:00. On Mondays the games start at 5:30 for the Girls and 6:30 for the Boys.  Come out and cheer on your Cougars!!

    Spectators, may purchase tickets through our website. Detailed instructions can be found in our Spectator Ticket FAQ.  There is a video on the school website illustrating the spectator experience once at the games. All that information can be found on HillsboroughSchools.org/athletics. You can also click "Buy tickets" above. 

    The latest information on Middle School Athletics is attached. Go to www.planeths.com to complete the athletic packet. Once the application has been thoroughly completed, I will approve them.  If you have questions please email Mr. Hall at gregory.hall@hcps.net 

     PHS_Kick-Off_Letter.pdf (87.3 KB)
     Step_by_Step_Guide_to_Planet_High_School.pdf (332.0 KB)

Maps & Directions to Williams Middle Magnet