A Hillsborough County Public School
What is Community School?
Community Schools are more than just centers of education - they are the heart of the community. Community Schools center around the unique neighborhood needs and families they serve to allow students to focus on their education and future success.
Community Schools are networks of support, opportunities and relationships where the school is the hub for the whole community, serving to strengthen students, families and neighborhoods through purposeful and results focused partnership.
Community School Pillars
Pillar 1 - Integrated Student Supports
Pillar 2 - Expanded and Enriched Learning Time and Opportunities
Pillar 3 - Active Family and Community Engagement
Pillar 4 - Collaborative Leadership and Practice
Jennifer Johnson-Williams
Community School Resource Teacher
(813) 744-8360 ext. 277
Shirley Wilkerson
Community School Parent Liaison
(813) 744-8360 ext. 277
Interested in becoming a HCPS volunteer?
We appreciate your interest in becoming a Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) Volunteer! Our district offers a variety of activities you may choose from when volunteering your time. Simply review all guidelines, complete, and submit a volunteer application. Upon approval you will receive instructions on next steps.
HCPS District Volunteer Application • CLICK HERE