• Week of September 29, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 9/30/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly update for the week of September 29th.

    Let me first say that I sincerely hope you and your family are all safe have been able to return to some form of normalcy. My thoughts and prayers are with all who have suffered any loss. Please know that our school community is here to help in any way we can.  

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday, September 30th all Hillsborough County Public Schools will reopen.  Tomorrow is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. Please be reminded that all scholars should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Scholars left after 2:45 pm on Mondays, and 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays, will be unsupervised as staff hours are over.

    Update 2: Tuesday, October 1st our basketball team will travel to Stewart. An additional message will be sent for practice and the makeup date for last week’s cancelled game.

    Update 3: Makeup testing for all baseline tests will continue this week.

    More information is forthcoming regarding hurricane makeup days.

    If there is something that you or your son needs, and the school can help, please contact us. Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to please seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with!

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member of the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!

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  • Week of September 22, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 9/22/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly update for the week of September 22nd

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday, September 23rd is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. Please be reminded that all scholars should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Scholars left after 2:45 pm on Mondays, and 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays, will be unsupervised as staff hours are over.

    Update 2: Tomorrow also starts our Start with Hello Week. Each year, thousands of schools and youth organizations nationwide participate in in Start with Hello Week, a national call-to-action week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging among youth. Each day this week BPA will celebrate with a special activity.

    Monday 9/23 : Members of the House of Probitas, our winners from last week’s competition can wear their house shirts, all other scholars should be in full uniform. A safety tree will be erected.

    Tuesday 9/24: Scholars are asked to wear green socks.

    Wednesday 9/25: All scholars can wear their house shirts for an extra house day!

    Thursday 9/26: Tieless Thursday. Scholars must wear their blue oxford shirts, khaki bottoms but are not required to wear their grade level ties.

    Friday 9/27: All scholars may wear their house shirts again!

    A flyer outlining each day is also on our school website.

    Update 3: Basketball practice this week will be Monday from 2:45 pm- 4pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:45 pm -5 pm. This week’s game will be here at Franklin against Young Middle Magnet at 6pm.

    Update 4: All 6th grade scholars will take part in a hearing and scoliosis screening here at Franklin on Thursday 9/26. An opt out form must be completed and returned to the school nurse if you do not want your child to be screened.

    If there is something that you or your son needs, and the school can help, please contact us. Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to please seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with!

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member of the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.


    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108


    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick. Douglass.

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  • Week of September 15, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 9/15/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly for the week of September 15th . 

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday, September 16th is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. Please be reminded that all scholars should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Scholars left after 2:45 pm on Mondays, and 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays, will be unsupervised as staff hours are over.

    Update 2: Tomorrow the House of Probitas is invited to wear their house shirts. This Friday is our first house competition. All scholars can wear house shirts on Friday, and all scholars are eligible to compete.

    Update 3: Baseline testing will continue this week. This is a crucial part of understanding where scholars are starting from. It gives a clear snapshot of their current knowledge and skills, which helps in tailoring instruction to address any gaps. Please ensure your scholar is in school every day this week.

    A special thank you to every parent and family who attended our Hispanic Heritage Month Potluck fellowship as well as our First Quarter Conference Night last week. Tomorrow we will begin the 6th week of school, and I encourage all parents to have conversations with your son about his academic progress. If you have not set up your ParentVue account please do so.

    If there is something that you or your son needs, and the school can help, please contact us. Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to please seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with!

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.


    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108



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  • Week of September 8, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 9/8/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly for the week of September 8th . 

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday 9th is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. Please be reminded that all scholars should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Scholars left after 2:45 pm on Mondays, and 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays, will be unsupervised as staff hours are over.

    Update 2: Basketball practice this week will be Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Our first game will be Tuesday, September 10th here at BPA against Sligh Middle School. Game tickets can be purchased on our school website, look for the banner that says Sports at BPA.

    Update 3: House Inductions were last Friday! All scholars are now assigned to a house and house days will begin. Tomorrow, members of the House of Probitas can wear their house shirts. All houses can wear their shirts on Friday. Each week the house that wins will be able to wear their shirts on Mondays, and all houses are able to wear them on Fridays. House shirts are now available online using our shirt vendor for purchase.

    Update 4: Baseline testing has begun. This is a crucial part of understanding where scholars are starting from. It gives a clear snapshot of their current knowledge and skills, which helps in tailoring instruction to address any gaps. Please ensure your scholar is in school every day this week.

    Update 5: Join us on Wednesday, September 11th as scholars and staff complete a memorial for the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. The event will begin at 9:30 am and will conclude around 1:30 pm.

    Update 6: First Quarter Conference Night will be Thursday, September 12 from 5pm-6:30 pm. We will also celebrate Hispanic Heritage Night at the conference night. The celebration will begin at 4pm in the cafeteria. Families are invited to bring a covered dish to share on that night.   

    If there is something that you or your son needs, and the school can help, please contact us. Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to please seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with!

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.


    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108

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  • Week of August 25, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 8/25/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly for the week of August 25th

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday 26th is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. Please be reminded that all scholars should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Scholars left after 2:45 pm on Mondays, and 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays, will be unsupervised as staff hours are over.

    Update 2: Basketball practice for all scholars who made the basketball team will be tomorrow from 2:45 pm until 4 pm, and Tuesday -Thursday from 3:45 pm until 5:15 pm.

    Update 3: Parents, please work with us to ensure your son is in complete uniform every day. Please note that hoodies are not allowed!  A complete overview of our dress code can be found on our school website or click the provided link. www.hillsboroughschools.org/franklin.

    Update 4: For all details about the Summer Reading project, including deadlines and project requirements, please visit our school website.  Turn in both projects to the Media Center Specialist by October 30th.  The Media Specialist will award points to your house. 

    Update 5: Late Quarter 1 Enrichments are still available. Please visit our school website to sign up. Scholars cannot stay until forms have been signed and returned. 

    Update 6: Our PTSA and SAC committee are great ways to contribute to help make our schools a great place. Please be on the lookout for ways to join either in the next couple of weeks. 

    If there is something that you or your son needs, and the school can help, please contact us. Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to please seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with!

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.



    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108

    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick. Douglass.

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  • Week of August 18, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 8/18/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your weekly update call for the week of August 18th.  Thank you for helping us make the first week of school a success! We are settling in and creating routines which will help us have a great year.

    Update 1: Tomorrow, Monday, August 19th is an early release day. Please remember that school ends one hour early at 2:30pm. All scholars should be picked up no later than 15 mins after dismissal each day. Scholars who are not picked up will be subject to HOST fees.

    Update 2: Tomorrow consequences will be handed out for uniform infractions. Parents, please work with us to ensure your son is in complete uniform every day. Please note that hoodies are not allowed!  A complete overview of our dress code can be found on our school website or click the provided link. www.hillsboroughschools.org/franklin. Please also note that house days have not begun, and as such, house shirts should not be worn yet.

    Update 3: Basketball tryouts will be Tuesday, August 20th through Thursday, August 22nd. Scholars must have completed paperwork before trying out. There are also required videos, please visit our website or use the provided link.  Sports at BPA / Sports at BPA (hillsboroughschools.org)

    Update 4: Quarter One Enrichments begin Tuesday, August 20th. Scholars who did not return a signed schedule will not be permitted to stay.  Scholars missing enrichment schedules will need to pick up a second schedule on Monday during lunch.

    Update 5: ParentVue information will be available this week. More information to come.

    Update 6: This year Franklin BPA will be cashless. All payments will need to be made through mypaymentsplus. Please register your account at www.mypaymentsplus.com.

    Attendance is extremely important and remains the number one thing scholars must do to be academically successful! Please partner with us and ensure your son is in school every day!  Finally, please remind your son if he is having an issue with anyone or campus to seek out a trusted adult on campus. Every scholar should have at least one person on our campus that he trusts to confidently speak with! 

    Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

     I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.



    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108


    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick. Douglass.

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  • Week of August 11, 2024 Update

    Posted by Marie King on 8/11/2024

    Great evening Franklin Families,

    This is Dr. McCree, proud principal of the Boy’s Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet School with your first weekly update for the 2024-25 school year. In case you didn’t know school starts tomorrow 😊 we at BPA are excited to see our new scholars and welcome back our returning scholars.

    Update 1: Breakfast will be available to all scholars each day, including tomorrow beginning at 7:45 am. Tomorrow, just as every Monday will be, at early release day. Our school day ends at 2:30 pm tomorrow, and 3:30 pm Tuesdays through Fridays.

    Update 2: Our mandatory dress code will be in effect beginning day 1. A complete overview of our dress code can be found on our school website or click the provided link. www.hillsboroughschools.org/franklin.

    Update 3: Scholars and families who did not attend our Open House and need bus passes can retrieve them Monday. Bus passes for all scholars will be available at all lunches.

    Update 4: Quarter One Enrichment signup is now available. Many new after school enrichments have been added.  Please visit our school website and scroll down to school news.  2024-2025 Quarter 1 Enrichments at BPA (cloud.microsoft)

    Update 5: Basketball is our first season sport. If your son is interested in participating all district mandatory paperwork and insurance must be completed. Please visit our website or use the provided link.  Sports at BPA / Sports at BPA (hillsboroughschools.org)              

    Update 6: Our PTSA and SAC committee are great ways to contribute to help make our schools a great place. Please be on the lookout for ways to join either in the next couple of weeks.

    This year promises to be a great year, and I am excited about our school theme “Challenge Accepted.” There are many new staff members and new and old alike, we are all committed to helping mold “Men of Distinction!” Thank you for your confidence in us to provide the best academic experience for your son, if I or any member the BPA staff can do anything to help you or your son be successful, please call the school at 813-744-8108.

    I am PROUD to be a part of the Franklin family, and I hope you are too!



    Dr. Konrad McCree, Jr.



    Boys Preparatory Academy at Franklin Middle Magnet

    3915 E. 21st Avenue

    Tampa, FL 33605

    (813) 744-8108

    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick. Douglass.

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