• Through BPA's cultivated college preparatory culture, students gain an understanding of principles of fraternity houses by being inducted into one of three “Houses” on campus. These Houses meet bi-weekly in mentor groups to provide students with opportunities to collaborate with a team of peers who are assigned to a teacher who serves as a mentor. Houses serve as a foundation for collaboration and relationship building. Through the House system, students develop according to the BPA Creed, Scholar Prep Profile and Cambridge Attributes. Each mentor meeting focuses on the nine core values to help mentees become better communicators with an emphasis on the importance of service, civility, and leadership.​ Each week, Houses participate in physical and academic competitions in order to put the core values into practice in a fun and engaging way.

  • Competition Rotation Six 12.6.2024

  • Competition Rotation Five 11.15.2024

  • Competition Rotation Four 11.1.2024

  • Competition Rotation Three 10.18.2024

  • Competition Rotation Two 10.4.2024

  • Competition Rotation One 9.20.2024