• Steps for registration

    1. For all students enrolling in Hillsborough County Schools, including students identified as homeless, the following school locator can be used to find the student’s neighborhood school by using the student’s residential address: School Locator
        1. Hillsborough County School Choice
        2. Homeless Education and Literacy Program (H.E.L.P.) office: (813)315-4357
    2.  Complete the student checklist that most accurately describes the circumstances of your child's enrollment. 
    3. Bring all the documentation to your neighborhood school for verification to complete the enrollment process.
    4. Visit our school website to find information on our school hours, uniforms, and other important information.


    Who can enroll?

    1. A biological parent as confirmed with a birth certificate.

    2. A court-appointed legal guardian as confirmed by a valid court document.

    3. Assigned guardianship by a parent confirmed on a caregiver affidavit, with the parent/guardian signature, a termination date and preferably notarized (not required by law).

    4. An adult exercising supervisory capacity of the student per FS 1000.21(5).


    Fla. Const. art. IX, §1(a), F.S. 1003.21, F.S. 1003.22, F.S. 39.0016, F.S. 381.0056, F.S. 381.0057, Board Policy 5112, 2431. Verification of residence may also be required at any other time at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee. A person who knowingly makes a false declaration is guilty of the crime of perjury by false written declaration, a felony of the third degree (FS 92.525). Per HCPS Policy 2431, students are not guaranteed the ability to participate in the athletic program if they transfer schools. NOTICE: HCPS may not prevent a child from enrolling in or attending school if the child does not have a social security number or the parent chooses not to provide the child’s social security number. Providing the child’s number is voluntary. Florida Statute 1008.386 (1)