A Hillsborough County Public School
HOST Program
The goal of this program is to provide the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and development which children need for them to be successful. Our programs offer supervision and a variety of enrichment activities for children, kindergarten through 8th grade and a daily snack is provided. Each program plans daily activities such as homework assistance, academic enrichment, art, crafts, and games, outside games and field trips.
HOST accepts School Readiness Child Care Certificates and is primarily staffed by a combination of district certified teachers, college students, as well as local high school On the Job Training (OJT) students and retired personnel. All staff members are screened, processed, and fingerprinted by the school district’s human resources department.
The HOST Program is available from student dismissal to 6:00 PM on school days and from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on non-school days.