- Martinez Middle
- Martinez Athletics
Athletics at Martinez
Martinez Athletics
Sport Season Coach Coach’s E-mail
Basketball Early Fall Coach Moffitt (Both) Matthew.Moffitt@hcps.net
(Aug-Oct) Coach Moreland (Both) Jordan.Moreland@hcps.net
Volleyball Fall Coach Moffitt (Both) Matthew.Moffitt@hcps.net
(Nov-Dec) Coach Norlem (Both)
Track Late Fall Coach Bowman (Both) Leah.Bowman@hcps.net
Soccer Winter Coach Swanson (Boys) Krystyna.Swanson@hcps.net
(Jan-Mar) Coach Lineberger (Girls) Tonya.Lineberger@hcps.net
Flag Football Early Spring Coach Moffitt (Both) Matthew.Moffitt@hcps.net
(Mar-May) Coach Mountain (Both) Aaron.Mountain@hcps.net
Athletics Paperwork:
If your child is interested in trying out for after-school athletics at Martinez, you must fill out all the paperwork below BEFORE tryouts. All forms below must be submitted to PlanetHS.com (Big Teams). The paperwork can be very time-consuming & errors are common. We highly recommend submitting paperwork at the beginning of the school year so your child so you don’t miss out on tryouts due to missing paperwork or paperwork turned in incorrectly, especially since students often decide they want to tryout for a sport at the last minute! Once all forms are submitted and accepted, your child may try out for any sport for that school year. Please follow the steps below to complete your athletics paperwork:
1) Create a Planet High School (Big Teams) account for student AND guardian: www.planeths.com
LINK the parent account to the student account. From the parent account, fill out and digitally sign all forms online. Then the Fill out & digitally sign ALL online forms, then upload all the forms below to PlanetHS (Big Teams).
2) Get physical on the EL2 Physical Form: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/cms/lib/FL50000635/Centricity/domain/2455/pdf/sf_el2form.pdf
Your child must get a physical prior to the first day of tryouts. The physical must be completed on the EL2 form linked above which is different than the regular school physical. If you turn in a physical on any other form besides the EL2 form, the physical will not be accepted. Please print this form, bring it to your physician, have the physician fill out, sign, stamp, and date the form. Your physical may not be more than 1 year old. Then, upload the completed form to www.planeths.com.
3) Create an NFHS account for your student-athlete: www.nfhslearn.com
Make sure to create the account in the student-athlete’s name. Do not use parent/guardian name!! It is the child’s responsibility to watch these videos, although it is useful information for the parents as well, please ensure it has your child’s name on the certificate and they are the ones who complete it.
Order the following course videos to your account (they are $0.00)
- Concussions for Students
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Heat Illness Prevention
WATCH all 3 videos and SAVE all 3 certificates in student-athlete’s name. Upload all 3 certificates to www.planeths.com4) Purchase Insurance: https://hcpsathleticprotection.com/
To participate in school athletics, you must purchase your child school athletics insurance (even if you have your own insurance). After printing or saving school insurance card (not the receipt), upload your card along with your government Issued Photo Identification of parent/guardian who is signing the forms for the student-athlete to www.planeths.com.
5) Submit all items to PlanetHS- Once you have uploaded the physical, 3 videos, insurance, and government issued I.D. card to www.planeths.com, your student-athlete will be all set for tryouts.
Once you complete this paperwork, your child will be eligible to try out for any sport throughout the school year. You must complete new athletics paperwork every single school year, so please make sure you save your login information. There will be a Martinez Athletics Canvas Course sent out to all students/parents during the first week of school. Please check that Canvas page for up-to-date information regarding athletics at Martinez. If you still have questions, e-mail Athletics Manager, Coach Swanson- Krystyna.Swanson@hcps.net
Purchasing Tickets - Click Here
- Click Middle School Athletics
- Scroll down until you see Martinez Middle School or search for Martinez in the search bar
- Select the game you want to buy tickets for
- Follow prompts to check out
All tickets must be purchased online. Cash will not be accepted at the gate. Your QR code will be scanned at the gate for entrance. Kids 6 and under do not need a ticket. Tickets are not available for purchase until game day. There are no refunds on tickets.