- Barrington Middle
- Overview
Phone: (813) 657-7266
Fax: (813) 657-7369
Student Hours: 9:35 AM to 4:30 PMUniforms: No Uniforms
Before School Program: Yes
After School Program: Yes
Bolting Toward Success
Barrington Bolts demand academic excellence—and will accept nothing less. We offer students in FishHawk and Riverview many rigorous Scholar Quest high school credit courses including Spanish, Agriculture, Algebra, Geometry and Business Technology, preparing them for high school and giving them a jump start in life. Through Electives our students can expand their middle school experience with unique options like Computer Coding, Technology and Culinary Arts, just to name a few. Our school and staff follow a Sixth Grade Structure, helping our newer Bolts adapt to this heightened academic experience, while feeling at home on our campus. Strong parent involvement and engaging student clubs—like Future Business Leaders of America, FFA and Future Career and Community Leaders—equip our Bolts with the tools they need to succeed. At Barrington, we are unapologetic about our focus on success.
Glenn H. Barrington Middle School, located at 5925 Village Center Drive in Lithia, Florida, opened its doors to 750 sixth through eighth graders on August 25, 2009. The school was dedicated on May 2, 2010. The school was named after Glenn Barrington, a career educator whose frank, no-nonsense attitude crowned his four terms on the Hillsborough County School Board. The school received an "A" for this past school year 2023-24. Maribeth Franklin-Brooks was the inaugural principal. Andrea Whitman became the principal in 2022.
Barrington Middle School will create a collegiate atmosphere and prepare all students to reach their highest potential.
Barrington Middle School will create a climate of responsibility and exploration as it enables adolescents to demonstrate academic and social growth.
BMS- Behavior Makes us SuccessfulCORE BELIEFS
We believe that all students should have access to the best teachers and resources.
We go the distance to make sure that all our students are ready to attend college.
We hold ourselves-both students and adults who serve them-to high standards of excellence.
We are unapologetic about our focus on rigor and structure.
We believe in the power of data and pride ourselves on focusing our instructional energy accordingly.