- Plant High
- Overview
Our school has a multitude of organizations for students to participate in. Below you can find out information about our Honor Societies, Service Clubs, and Interest clubs. If you have a question about a specific club, please reach out to the sponsor.
As applications become available, they will be linked below the Honor Society or Club's description.
Honor Societies
Society Name: AFJROTC Kitty Hawk Society Sponsor(s): Muhammed (Mic) Conteh, USAF (Ret.)
Description: Not provided
Society Name: BETA Sponsor(s): Randi Litwak
Description: Beta Club is a national organization whose motto is “Let us lead by serving others.” The primary qualification for this honor club is a minimum of a 3.8 cumulative unweighted GPA. Qualified tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders will be invited to apply in the fall. All who complete the application and pay the dues will then be inducted in the latter part of the first semester. To maintain membership, students must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher, complete 3 hours of education related service a semester and no serious disciplinary infractions.
Society Name: French Honor Society Sponsor(s): Marilyn Coffey
Description: All students who have taken three (3) semesters of French and have a minimum 3.5 GPA in French and an overall minimum 3.0 GPA are eligible for membership. Applications will be available in February.
Society Name: Gold and Black Sponsor(s): Derek Thomas
Description: The Order of the Gold and Black is Plant’s oldest and most prestigious honor society, recognizing seniors and rising seniors who have contributed the most to their school during their time at Plant in the combined areas of Scholastic Achievement, School Involvement, Leadership, Athletics, and Service. There are two application windows - Spring of Junior year and Fall of Senior year. During each window, the twenty seniors (who complete applications) who rank the highest across all areas outlined above are tapped for induction.
Society Name: International Thespians Sponsor(s): Jaime Giangrande
Description: The Thespian troupe is a subset of the Plant High School theatre arts program. It is a separate student organization, and membership is earned. Any student may be a member of the Plant theatre program, but only students who have been officially inducted and registered with the EdTA are members of both the theatre program and the International Thespian Society. Only students who are active members of the PHS Theatre Department may apply for membership in the ITS.
Society Name: Mu Alpha Theta Sponsor(s): Peter Jones
Description: Mu Alpha Theta is the National Math Honor Society. The chapter’s goals are to recognize those students who distinguish themselves in the field of mathematics, and to develop further the interest of the student body in the mathematics.
Society Name: National English Honor Society Sponsor(s): Melisa Toothman, Erika Hooks
Description: The National English Honor Society (NEHS) is about students! Membership is an honor bestowed on students selected for their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement. NEHS provides recognition for past achievement. NEHS is the organization for students who have experienced the power of literature, the pleasures of good writing, and the excitement of language studies.
Society Name: National Honor Society Sponsor(s): Tamara Phillips
Description: Membership in the National Honor Society is truly an honor bestowed upon a student. Membership is granted only to those students who demonstrate outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service.
Society Name: Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for Journalists Sponsor(s): Christina Porcelli
Description: Recognizes student achievement in journalism and scholastic publications. Membership is available to students in their second year on a publication staff, with an A average in that class and a 3.0 unweighted overall GPA.
Society Name: Scholars II Sponsor(s): Kristina Renaud
Description: An Honor Club sponsored by Administration that focuses on INNOVATIVE ways to close the Achievement Gap(s) here at Plant High School.
Society Name: Science Honor Society Sponsor(s): Lindsay Tait
Description: To be eligible for membership students must:
- have an overall minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA, and
- a minimum unweighted GPA in science courses of either 3.6 (12th grade) or 3.75 (10th and 11th grade), and
- enrollment in and/or passing of AP science courses, and
- academic integrity, and other requirements based on grade level. Please look for applications ASAP when school begins for specific requirements by grade level.
Society Name: Social Studies Honor Society Sponsor(s): Christopher Carbon
Description: For all junior and senior students who excel in the study of social sciences.
Society Name: Spanish Honor Society Sponsor(s): Kristen Phillips
Description: The H.B. Plant Spanish National Honor Society chapter is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, La Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica and La Florida Chapter. It honors outstanding students of Spanish, encourages their continued study of the Spanish language and fosters their interest in the culture and the Spanish language.
Society Name: Tri M Music Honor Society Sponsor(s): Brian Dell, Bruce Yost
Description: Honor society for secondary school music students. Provides a means of recognizing the efforts and achievements of music students who volunteer their time and share their musical talent with others. The goal of the Tri-M Music Honor Society is to foster greater interest in band, orchestra, and choral performance and to provide more opportunities for personal musical expression. Students are selected for membership in the honor society on the basis of musicianship, scholarship, character, leadership, and service to their school and community. The organization’s high standards serve to challenge students to greater effort and achievement and to encourage them in the pursuit of excellence.
Service Clubs
Description: The purpose is to promote service to the school and Community, while developing leadership and group cooperation. Students will apply and be sorted into a service club. Once in a service club, that service club is their club for their entire high school career. Freshmen are only able to apply second semester when they have a high school GPA available.
Club Name: Delphi Sponsor(s): Jacob Pedrero
Club Name: Key Club Sponsor(s): Daniel Keen
Club Name: Sertoma Sponsor(s):
Club Name: Anchor Sponsor(s): Andrea Groves
Club Name: Kiwanettes Sponsor(s): Wendy Heir
Club Name: La Sertoa Sponsor(s): Shawn Locks
Club Name: Zeta Sponsor(s): Stefanie Espinosa
Student Interest Clubs
Club Name: Alliance of Plant Republicans Sponsor(s): Tammy Pollitt
Description: APR is a student interest club meeting to discuss the Conservative, Libertarian and Republican response to political and social issues of the day. We will discuss local, state, and national candidates and the platform stances espoused by these individuals. We will provide members with information regarding local events and volunteer opportunities for students to get involved with their favorite political candidates and the "hot button" issues current for Tampa Bay, Florida and the nation.
Club Name: Animation Club Sponsor(s): William Sullivan
Description: PHS Animation Club is an interactive club that offers the tools, resources, and opportunities for students interested in creating moving pictures. This is a great opportunity for students curious about the film making process. We will tackle the directing, writing, drawing, designing, and collaborating that is essential when producing moving pictures. By covering the four classic types of animation (digital, Claymation, flip-book, and stop-motion) students can expect to learn and grow their knowledge in the movie-making industry. It takes a team when creating any successful film and this is something we keep in mind. Our mission is to create a fun and collaborative environment for anyone wanting to make animated films. We will end with a celebration of our work at a Film Fest towards the end of the school year! Join now by filling out this student interest form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-f2oEP_CDU6cGR_iwYgWSgWlQ8_jv2NPqZCnc7ZzGS5URDhPRDVGVUpKNjJIWkxMM0ZNMzRaMUFFTi4u&origin=QRCodeClub Name: Anime Club Sponsor(s): Muhammed (Mic) Conteh
Club Name: Artists & Writers Society Sponsor(s): Brian Taylor
Description: Provides members with "open studio" time in which they may complete artworks, pursue special projects, and assist in departmental exhibitions or events with the intent of nurturing an exciting visual arts culture and legacy at Plant High School. Requirements for membership: enrollment in an AP visual arts course and commitment to club responsibilities including attendance of club meetings. Parent permission slips must be signed, and students must have safe transportation home after meetings.
Club Name: Astronomy Club Sponsor(s): Jessica Strauss
Description: Have you ever seen the moons of Jupiter or mountains on the Moon? The Astronomy Club aims to stimulate an interest in high quality science and technology through an active involvement in astronomy. The club brings together students with similar interests in amateur astronomy for group discussions and observations. Club officers and volunteers will help host "star watch" events for our feeder schools and our club on certain nights of the school year.
Club Name: Beach Volleyball Club Sponsor(s): Shay Cowart
Best Buddies Sponsor(s): Caroline Medina
Description: Open to all students who want to create one-to-one friendships with fellow students with/without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). In this time of heightened social and emotional development that can be difficult even for teenagers without IDD, Best Buddies helps break through social barriers at an important time in a young person’s life. Through their participation, people with IDD form meaningful connections with their peers, gain self-confidence and self-esteem, and share interests, experiences and activities that many other individuals enjoy. Throughout the year, Best Buddies hosts several events to raise funds and spread awareness about our mission. Best Buddies also encourages all members to participate in different initiatives on their campuses to further the social inclusion of people with IDD, like Spread the Word to End the Word.
Club Name: Book Club Sponsor(s): Matthew Penn
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Dedicated Alliance of Democratic Students (DADS) Sponsor(s): Christina Porcelli
Description: Allows students a safe place to express their political opinions. We maintain a connection with the democratic community of south Tampa which opens new political involvement opportunities for students. DADS also offers volunteering projects in which members can participate. Application Link
Club Name: E-sports Sponsor(s): Muhammed (Mic) Conteh
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Ecology Sponsor(s): Jessica Strauss
Description: Open to all students who have an interest in environmental concerns. Students are involved at school and in the community doing beautification projects and clean-ups. The Ecology Club maintains the turtle pond.
Club Name: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Sponsor(s): Kristina Renaud
Description: Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an interest club open to all students. During club meetings, students will hear the Christian message through student and guest speakers, musical presentations or participate in activities designed to encourage fellowship. FCA has been active at Plant High School for fifteen years and currently has over 250 members.
Club Name: Film Club Sponsor(s): Brian Taylor
Description: For any student who finds a benefit in viewing and discussing various films beyond plot. Films are viewed on the student's own time, but are discussed, in depth, at bi-weekly meetings.
Club Name: First Priority Sponsor(s):
Description: Clubs for Christian students to make friends, grow stronger in their faith, and to be encouraged by one another.
Club Name: Fishing Club Sponsor(s): Randal Hough
Description: Not provided
Club Name: French Club Sponsor(s): Michelle Macy
Description: This club is for all students interested in French culture, especially French food. It is open to all who are presently enrolled in a French class, all who previously took French and all who have an interest in French culture.
Club Name: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Sponsor(s): Pamela Smith
Description: A non-profit, local, district, state, regional, and national organization for all middle and high school students participating in business and business-related programs. A student can be a member as long as he/she is currently taking a business class or has taken a class in the past at Plant High School.
Club Name: Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) Sponsor(s): Michael James
Description: This club promotes diversity awareness and fosters understanding among peers.
Club Name: Gold Rush Club Sponsor(s): Jacob Pedrero
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Healthy Habits Sponsor(s): Kristina Renaud
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Helping Heroes Society Sponsor(s): Jessica Strauss
Description: Helping heroes society helps get people together to support our veterans and their family’s. We work hard to help our vets get the appreciation they deserve. Join today!
Club Name: High Schoolers Against Cancer (HAC) Sponsor(s): Shawn Locks
Description: A service-based club, created by the American Cancer Society, designed to spread awareness and provide volunteers for our community. We ask that all of our members join our Relay For Life team. The only cost is the optional Club t-shirt to be worn at each event. From our evening learning about HPV to our all-nighter at Relay we are High Schoolers Against Cancer and we, together, can make a difference.
Club Name: Ice Hockey Sponsor(s): Tara Clark
Description: The H.B. Plant Ice Hockey Club is a forum for students interested in the game of ice hockey. Members of the club are not required to play hockey, only to participate in assisting in the operation of the ice hockey club. The club is open to all students in grades 9 thru 12. There are no other requirements.
Club Name: Jewish Student Union Sponsor(s):
Description: JSU is an organization of people who want to learn about Jewish traditions and culture. We will also perform community service and discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East.
Club Name: Junior Civitan Sponsor(s): Tammy Lavender
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Latin Club Sponsor(s): John Henson
Description: The PHS Latin Club is an active member of both FJCL and NJCL. In order to become a member, a student either must be currently taking Latin or have completed two years of Latin. After three years of Latin, a student is eligible to become a member of the Latin Honor Society. An “A” average in Latin is necessary to become a member of the Honor Society.
Club Name: Literary Club Sponsor(s): Christina Porcelli
Description: The Literary Club involves students in both creative writing and artwork, and at the end of the year it publishes these in its student-produced Literary Magazine. The club also makes announcements regarding writing opportunities, such as scholarships and competitions. Application Link
Club Name: Marine Science Sponsor(s): Tracy Chevailler
Description: Open to all students who share an interest in protecting the ocean. Members of the club plan and participate in activities which often include coastal clean ups, guest speakers, animal adoptions, fishing trips, conferences, and competitions.
Club Name: Model United Nations Club Sponsor(s): Kimberly Marr
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Panther Outdoorsman Alliance (POA) Sponsor(s): Richard Ferlita
Description: Open to all students interested in everything outdoors. This includes fishing, hunting, archery, camping, boating, hiking, etc.
Club Name: Quiz Bowl Team Sponsor(s): Susan Vaughan
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Rowing/Crew Sponsor(s): James Brockman
Description: The PHS rowing club is an interest club that allows members to participate in the sport of rowing through a separate, non-profit organization called Plant High Rowing Association. PHRA hires coaches, organizes practices regattas, and collects fees to pay for the yearly cost. The Plant High Rowing Club and PHRA work together to introduce rowing to students and provide a strong community that fosters character, growth, and friendship. All PHS students welcomed. More info at www.planthighrowing.com
Club Name: Sailing Sponsor(s): Brian Wassmuth
Description: The sailing club discusses racing techniques and strategies. Members will travel to participate in regattas all year long. Its purpose is to increase awareness in PHS students in the sport of sailing. The Davis Island Yacht club holds practices twice a week and on specially announced dates for competitions. Open to all grades.
Club Name: Special Olympics Unified Sports Sponsor(s): Kristina Renaud
Description: Special Olympic athletes participate in team sports with partners to foster respect, dignity and advocacy for people with special needs. Sports include Cheer, Flag Football, Basketball, Bocce, Bowling and Soccer Teams.
Club Name: Speak Up Sponsor(s): Kristina Renaud
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Speech and Debate Sponsor(s):
Description: Venture into the world of speech and debate where you can learn to motivate and convince the most stalwart of your opponents (i.e. your parents) of the value of your needs. Weekly meetings are open to club members and provide the opportunity to compete on the Team. We are a member of the following leagues: National Forensic League (NFL), Florida Forensic League (FFL); National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL); and the local division of the NCFL in which we regularly compete, the Florida Gulf Coast Catholic Forensic League (FGCCFL).
Club Name: Stand Up Committee (Anti-bullying) Sponsor(s): Melisa Toothman, Amy Godlewski
Description: Open to all students who wish to work towards eliminating bullying from our campus. Members work to raise awareness about the causes and effects of bullying and provide support to foster a caring culture so that all students and adults on our campus feel welcome and safe.
Club Name: Stock Market Club Sponsor(s): Brian Wassmuth
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Sponsor(s): Jannette Vega
Description: SAC promotes diversity awareness via Unity Days and Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week. SAC supports Youth Council, events, sponsors, and Winter Wonderland. Students are accepted into this club based on specific criteria and maintaining a positive standing in the Student Affairs Office.
Club Name: Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Sponsor(s): Shawn Locks
Description: SADD is dedicated to addressing the issues of underage drinking, impaired driving, drug use, and other destructive decisions and killers of young people. Our mission is to provide students with the best prevention and intervention tools to deal with serious issues young adults face. SADD promotes and supports students' efforts to develop and maintain responsible decision-making. Membership is open to all interested students.
Club Name: Tech Club Sponsor(s): James Brockman
Description: Tech club focuses on computers, programming, electronics and robotics. Members will compete in various robotics competitions around Hillsborough County. Dues are $20 and allow access to the school's 3D printer and robotics resources.
Club Name: World Health and Treatment Sponsor(s):
Description: Not provided
Club Name: Why Define Us Sponsor(s): Emma Dorian
Description: Not provided