Welcome to Benito Media Center


  • SLAM Showcase

    SSYRA Grades 6-8

    Poettry Jam

    Digital Citizenship

About the Media Center

  • Benito Media Center is a hub of learning and literacy on campus with over 6,000 books, an online catalog and virtual library, eBook collections and public library access, and space for student creativity and technology literacy.

    • Students can check out 3 books for 2 weeks
    • Checked out books can be renewed in the Media Center or by logging into our online catalog
    • Students can visit the Media Center with a class or on a pass given by their teacher


    We'll have lots of reading incentives, contests, and events throughout the school year, including Poetry & Pizza, Student Literacy and Media Showcase (SLAM) and Quiz Bowl, and much more! 


    Deborah Griner, Media Specialist


    813.631.4694 x 261



  • Virtual LIbrary & Catalog

    Download Axis 360 e books Grades 6-8

