• At Lockhart Elementary Magnet School, young minds are nurtured by immersive, real-world experiences that equip them with the tools to become responsible members of society. Our vision is to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in our students through the integration of Project Lead The Way (PLTW) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

    The PLTW Launch program introduces students to the world of engineering design and scientific inquiry, woven seamlessly into their English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Computer Science lessons through an APB approach to learning (Activity, Project, and Problem-Based Learning). Our students engage with PLTW engineering modules in our  PLTW Lab.

    Mathematics at Lockhart Elementary Magnet School is not just a subject but a real-world tool used to solve problems, analyze and graph data, create charts, calculate costs, examine trends, and construct models. Our students learn through hands-on experiences in small groups, using math manipulatives and technology. We provide real-world saving and spending experiences through the school's token economy of earning Cougar Cash.

    Science at our school is more than just a subject; it's a way of life. Our students are encouraged to explore and investigate scientific concepts through hands-on activities, classroom experiments, and our state-of-the-art Learning Labs located around the campus. We aim to dispel misconceptions and nurture curiosity by offering a stimulating learning environment that encourages scientific discovery.