1. Parent requests information regarding the Hospitalized/Homebound Program due to a student’s confinement to the Hospital or Home. 
    2. School personnel will provide the parent with the HHB forms for service: 
      • Request for Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Services 
      • Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Policies and Parental Cooperative Agreement 
      • Authorization for Release, Inspection or Receipt of Records 
    3. Once the forms are completed, school personnel will email the completed forms to the HHB Nurse with the Subject Line: HHB Application or they can be faxed to the HHB Office at (813) 375-3959. 
    4. The HHB nurse will contact the student’s physician in order to complete a medical report. 
    5. The student’s file will be forwarded to the HHB ESE Specialist. 
    6. The HHB Staffing Specialist will review the packet and schedule the eligibility meeting. 

    Prior to eligibility determination, the application must be completed in its entirety to be considered for the Hospitalized/Homebound Program.