•  Shore Theme

    Shore has earned multiple awards and honors!
    Since 1996, we have been an Arts Elementary
    Magnet School located in the heart of Ybor City.


    MSA MSA Certified Demonstration

    Nationally Recognized as a
    Certified Demonstration Magnet School
    by Magnet Schools of America!

    Shore Elementary Magnet School of the Arts was chosen as 
    a Certified Demonstration Magnet School from 2023-2027!

    Shore Elementary Magnet School of the Arts was chosen as one of the first
    55 Nationally Certified Magnet Schools in 2017!



    Arts Schools Network

    An Arts Schools Network Exemplary School!

    Designated an Arts School Network Exemplary School
    2018-2023 and 2016-2018


    MSA Excellence

    A Magnet Schools of America Merit Award Winning School!

    Magnet School of Excellence Merit Award in 2007, 2013, 2015, 2020, 2022, 2024 & 2025
    Magnet School of Distinction Merit Award in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, & 2023
    Dr. Donald R. Waldrip Elementary School of Merrit Award Winner in 2007


    5 Star School

    A Five Star School!

    Shore has been designated by the Florida Department of
    Education as a Five Star School for over 20 years!


    HCPS Magnet

    Magnet Compact

    As a student at an HCPS Magnet School, all families commit
    to the Magnet Compact. This letter outlines the expectations for
    students and families attending a HCPS Magnet School.
    For a PDF version of this letter, CLICK HERE

  • Shore Arts Department

    Students have a variety of Arts Opportunities at Shore!

    All students in Grades VPK-5 at Shore receive the following Arts Classes once a week for 45 minutes (Grades 1-5) and 30 minutes (VPK & K):
    •Visual Art

    Grade 1-5 students have an extra Arts Experience for 45 minutes Encore. Students in 1st Grade will experience all options in a wheel format. Grade 2-5 students will take a survey and will be placed based upon interest and availability and will have 2 different experiences, one per semester.  Students in Grades 2-5 may perform during Family Arts & Academic Nights. Kindergarten students will have a special Encore once a week for 30 minutes that will prepare students for their End of Year Celebration & Performance.

    Shore has an Annual Musical at the end of the year.  The musical is auditioned based and rehearses numerous times a week after school. Previous musicals include The Little Mermaid Jr. in 2014, Willy Wonka Jr. in 2015, The Lion King Jr. in 2016, The Wizard of Oz YPE in 2017, Peter Pan Jr. in 2018, Beauty and the Beast Jr. in 2019, Aladdin Jr. scheduled for 2020, Frozen Jr. in 2022, Wizard of Oz YPE in 2023, Peter Pan Jr. in 2024, and Lion King Jr. in 2025. Musical Audition Information goes home in September with auditions and the Cast & Crew being announced in October.

    Every year Shore hosts it's Annual Arts Festival in which artists and performers share their talents with students during an all day interactive event. This event will be taking place along with the Great American Teach-In on the Thursday prior to Fall Break.

    There are also a variety of Performance Groups for students to participate as part of our Arts in the Morning Program.  These are auditioned-based groups and rehearse in the morning.  These groups can be seen at various evening events at Shore as well as various events in the community.   Arts in the Morning groups include Studio 45 (Grades 4&5 Visual Art), Studio 23 (Grades 2&3 Visual Art), Chamber Orchestra (Grades 4&5 Strings), Shore Good Beats (Grades 4&5 Music), Shore Singers (Grades 3-5 Music) and Shore Dance Company (Grades 2-4).

    Students in Grades 4 and 5 also have the opportunity to audition and interview to become Arts Ambassadors.  These students are shining ARTS Stars and are featured on the Morning News and Shore YouTube videos, as well as perform safety patrol duties, conduct school tours, and more!