

    Phone: (813) 744-8200
    Fax: (813) 744-8147

    Student Hours: 7:40 AM to 12:55 PM Monday

                               7:40 AM to 1:55 PM  Tuesday - Friday

    Uniforms: Mandatory Uniforms

    Before School Program: Yes
    After School Program: Yes

    Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan

School History

  • Limona Elementary School opened in 1971 and is named after the village of Limona.  Limona village was an unincorporated community in Hillsborough County, Florida. It existed by that name from about 1876 to about the 1980s, when it became part of the unincorporated town of Brandon, Florida. The school colors are royal blue and white and the mascot is the lion.

    Limona has been recognized by the state as "B" school for the 23-24 school year and as an "A" school for 19 of the past 24 years.  As a diverse school community, staff, parents and students work together to create an orderly, nurturing environment, enhancing positive social and emotional development.  At our school, the focus is the delivery of quality instruction which extends, enriches and differentiates the curriculum to meet the needs of each and every student.  We are very fortunate to have strong parental involvement and support which enhances all aspects of the school's academic program.