

    Phone:  (813) 973-7394
    Fax:  (813) 631-4525

    Student Hours: 7:40 AM to 1:55 PM Tuesday-Friday
                               7:40 AM to 12:55 PM Monday

    Uniforms: Yes Uniforms

    Before School Program: Yes
    After School Program: Yes

Mission Statement

  • The educators, staff and volunteers of Hunter's Green Elementary School are committed to:

    • Providing students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become productive contributors to society.
    • Actively involving the home, school, and community in providing resources to meet the needs of individual students in developing traits for self-fulfillment and participation in the school climate that will carry forth into an ever-changing global society.
    • Continually assessing and refining the educational processes to produce lifelong learners able to challenge the future.

Vision Statement

  • Hunter's Green Elementary School students will become productive contributors to society as lifelong learners and decision makers living in harmony with self and others.

School History

  • Hunter's Green Elementary welcomed students in August, 1992 on the campus of Tampa Palms Elementary. The current building opened its doors with much fanfare and media attention in October, 1992 under the administration of Nelson Luis, Principal, and Frances Jackson, Assistant Principal. The campus was situated in a forest environment with no homes closer than a two-mile radius. Raccoons, porcupine, deer, alligators, and native birds were common visitors daily. The charter faculty developed a vision and set goals to develop students to become productive contributors to society as life-long learners and decision makers.

    The New Tampa Community continued to develop and grow. By 1997, Hunter's Green housed 1, 550 students with 38 portable classrooms. Through dedicated lobbying efforts of the Hunter's Green faculty and PTA, as well as community members, they were instrumental in a legislative movement to appropriate substantial funds for school construction to eliminate overcrowded schools throughout the state. In 2008, a new wing was constructed with an additional 16 classrooms.

    Hunter's Green Elementary has created a reputation in the District of academic excellence and community partnerships. Our teachers are sincerely dedicated to continuing this level of excellence and developing programs to meet the needs of every student.

    Hunter's Green Elementary School has matured over the years to stand for high academic achievement within a school culture that supports growth and emotional wellness. Our faculty and staff, our community, and our student body travels into the future knowing that they have laid a foundation rich in tradition and open to new possibilities for incoming generations of children.