
  • PRINCIPAL/ADMINISTRATOR:  Artis E. Gambrell, Jr.
    ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL:  Kathryn Valentino

    Phone:  (813) 236-3500
    Fax:  (813) 236-3513

    Student Hours: 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM

    Dress Code: Students are not required to wear uniforms, but please ensure your attire is school-appropriate. Let's maintain a respectful and positive learning atmosphere.

    Before School Program: No
    After-School Program: No

  • Vision
    To help each student to become productive, responsible, and successful members of society.

    To inspire and challenge each student to learn/acquire academic, behavioral, social and vocational skills to become highly literate, successful, contributing citizens.

    Carver Center was named after George Washington Carver (1864-1943). Carver, one of the world's greatest agricultural chemists is best known for his research with peanuts and the sweet potato.

    The Carver Center located at 2934 East Hillsborough Avenue, was one of the finest all black inner city schools in Tampa. Throughout the years, the Center served as an elementary school, middle school, high school, early childhood center and currently as an exceptional education center.