

    Phone:  (813) 975-7600
    Fax:  (813) 975-7610

    Student Hours: 9:25 AM to 4:20 PM

    Uniforms: Mandatory

    Before School Program: Yes
    After School Program: Yes

    Vision Statement:
    Buchanan Middle School will be a safe, caring, and orderly school.  We will create a school that builds life-long learners.

    Mission Statement:
    We will model and teach a strong academic work ethic based on trust, respect, and honor with an emphasis on building relationships.

    Staff Philosophy:
    Once a student is admitted to Buchanan, we will exhaust all available resources to maximize that student's opportunity for success in academics, sports, society, citizenship, and involvement in community activities.

Engineering Success through STEM

  • Our prestigious STEM Academy in North Tampa is the only middle school in our district to immerse students in Bioengineering. As one of our district's original STEM Academies--Science, Technology, Engineering and Math--Buchanan Middle's program teaches students to use traditional engineering techniques to solve problems in the field of medicine. STEM students are grouped together all three years with the same core teachers, while our Sixth Grade Structure helps all students feel at home in their new learning environment. Scholar Quest high school credit courses challenge students in Engineering, Spanish, Math and Science--including the opportunity to earn a variety of Industry Certifications in Technology, Through Electives, students sample exciting courses, including Band, Agriculture and our AVID college readiness program. Classmates connect through our sports teams and clubs, and our Tutor-A-bull program provides additional academic support with tutors from the University of South Florida. Buchanan Middle, where our students are engineering a successful future.

School History

  • Buchanan Middle School is named after the 15th President of the United States, James Buchanan.
    Buchanan officially opened for the 1961-1962 school year. The school's first principal was Frank Carpenter. Our school underwent a major renovation in 2000, which included an awesome new gymnasium.

    The school has had nine principals throughout its history:

    • Frank Carpenter
    • Lee Cheshire
    • Jack Pillsbury
    • Ashley Smith
    • Wilma Hurst
    • Dwight Raines
    • Jim Gatlin
    • Scott Hilgenberg
    • Frank Scaglione

    The school mascot is the Buccaneer, and our colors are purple and white.

    The coach who still holds the State record for the most consecutive football wins, for a Junior High School, is our own Coach Randolph. The record still stands at 54 consecutive victories!