National Junior Honor Society is the middle school affiliate of the National Honor Society established to recognize outstanding middle school students.
Becoming a member of the National Junior Honor Society Chapter at York Innovation Academy is an honor and a commitment. Each member is expected to uphold their commitment to scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but also challenges them to grow as individuals and members of our community through involvement in school activities and service projects.
Membership is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who have been at York at least 1 semester and meet the following requirements:
3.7 minimum (5 As and 2 Bs)
Outstanding citizenship: all As in Conduct. Students with a history of discipline referrals will not be considered.
Students who were apart of NJHS at another school may become members here as long as they meet requirements.
If inducted into NJHS, students must attend monthly meetings and participate in NJHS Service projects (in addition to IB Service as Action hours). Students must maintain outstanding character and citizenship throughout their tenure at York Innovation Academy, as well as maintain a 3.7 GPA or higher each semester.
The fee to join is $25.
The induction ceremony is in the Spring. Students who qualify can pick up an application after 1st semester report cards come out in January from Ms. Imoto in Room 247 (3rd Floor).