• Offering Student Opportunities


    Career and Technical Education (CTE) includes middle and high school students taking courses in one of 17 career clusters. These courses are part of an overall program of study designed to prepare students to be successful in a rapidly changing workforce and equip them to make informed decisions about future college and career pathways. CTE offers students opportunities to earn highly valued industry certifications and to develop a multitude of skills while experiencing rigorous curriculum with real world applications. CTE students who complete a Program of Study are eligible for many scholarships, including the Gold Seal Bright Futures Scholarship.

    A program of study is a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career courses commencing in the 9th grade (or sometimes earlier) leading to an associate degree, an industry-recognized certification or licensure, and/or a baccalaureate degree.

    The list in the Resources section contains links to all of the CTE Programs of Study that are aligned to the target industries and occupations of the District. This listing assists students and parents in deciding which programs to study at the high school level. It also assists schools in deciding what programs they might wish to offer. Lastly, it allows the District to determine whether a new program of study may need to be developed to serve a target industry or occupation.

    Hillsborough County Public Schools offers career and technical programs as described within this website, including career academies wherein students may earn industry certification. Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation. The district may assess each student’s ability to benefit from specific programs through placement tests and counseling, and, if necessary, will provide services or referrals to better prepare students for successful participation.

    The district prohibits discrimination in the terms and conditions of employment, and in access to educational programs and activities, as described in the Non-Discrimination Statement within the Notices section contained in the blue banner at the bottom of this page.