


    Phone: (813) 671-5115
    Fax: (813) 672-5221

    Student Hours: 7:40 AM to 12:55 PM (Monday); 7:40 AM to 1:55 PM (Tuesday - Friday)

    Uniforms: No Uniforms

    Before School Program: Yes
    After School Program: Yes

Mission Statement

  • At Summerfield Elementary we aspire to provide a safe, caring, orderly, and respectful environment where every child can reach their potential.

Vision Statement

  • Students of Summerfield Elementary will become educated, responsible, and productive citizens.

School History

  • Construction for Summerfield Elementary broke ground in August 1990, after the U.S. Home Corporation provided the school district with our wonderful 15 acre lot. Named after the surrounding community of Summerfield, the campus remains a vibrant center for learning in the Riverview area. Our original mascot (the Indian) was named after our sister school, East Bay High School. Out of respect for the Native American peoples and culture, we became the Summerfield Sharks during the 2019-2020 school year. Our school's colors are navy, gray and teal.

    Summerfield is a Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade school, with an enrollment of approximately 800 students. We offer a varied curriculum that meets the needs of our children. In addition to our general education program, we offer Exceptional Student Education (ESE) programs including Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotionally Handicapped, Gifted, Speech, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Limited Intellectual Functioning programs are provided for students who meet eligibility requirements.


    Dr. Davidson (1991-1992) | Mrs. McMillan (1992-1995) | Mrs. Sandra Frost (1995-2002) | Mrs. Margaret 'Margo' Michalak (2002-2012) | Mr. Derrick McLaughlin (2012-2017) | Mr. Carmine Alfano (2017-2024) | Mrs. Andrea Bryner (2024 - present)