A Hillsborough County Public School
PRINCIPAL: Teresa Bode
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Sabrina Tshiamalenge
Phone: (813) 272-3066
Fax: (813) 272-3284
Student Hours: 7:40-12:55 (Monday-Early Release)
7:40 AM - 1:55 PM (Tuesday-Friday)
Uniforms: Yes
Before School Program: No
After School Program: Yes (HOST)
Chiaramonte Elementary School, built originally in 1972, bears the name of Mr. Alfonso Chiaramonte. Our school was the first school named after a living person. Mr. Chiaramonte was the youngest to serve as a school board member at the age of 23 in Hillsborough County and at the time, also held the title for serving the longest. Considering his love for education and academics, he and his wife donated more than $60,000 to ensure academic excellence was a priority and that all students were successful. The legacy of he and his wife live on as the past and current administrators strive to make sure that every student is a priority.