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Report Card Information
Families access report cards on the Report Cards and Test Scores website https://reportcards.sdhc.k12.fl.us
*Students can access their own report cards by logging in with their user ID and passwords (the same suer ID and password used for Canvas.)
*If a student cannot access the Report card for a parent/guardian, a PIN can be requested by selecting ""Request a PIN" on the report cards website. A PIN can be sent to the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian in the Student Information System.
Families can call the Report Card Support Line at (813) 840-7388 for technical assistanc. This number is posted on the report cards website. Calls regarding specific student information or questions about grades will be referred to the student's school.
Please use the links below to access Student Report Card Information.
Parent Brochure for Elementary Report Cards- English