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Student Registration & Payments Options

Regular Registration Hours:

*Student registration is Monday through Thursday from 4:30PM-8:00PM. We ask that all interested students be here by 7:45PM for registration.

*All students must be 16 or older to attend Adult School. Please click on the link below to register as a Lennard Adult student.

*If you are new to the online registration process, then you will need to "register as a new user" and create an account. If you already have an account and are re-registering, then you will log into the account that you previously created. All students will choose the Purple box (Adult General Education) to register. All students registering for classes, please select Lennard Adult as your desired school site. Once you have reached the payment portion of the application, you may choose the "pay later" option (students will then pay with a debit/credit card in person). Once the application is complete, you are instructed to call the school...there is no need to do this. Please visit the campus in person during registration hours to complete the registration process and make your payment.

*REMINDER-Class tuition & testing fees are now made with a credit or debit card through MPP (my payments plus) on campus once your online registration is completed.

Block 1 Fees:

GED & ESOL= $57.19 total w/MPP fee

Adult Credit= $46.80 total w/ MPP fee

Block 2 Fees:

GED & ESOL= $46.80 (this is the amount if the $10 test fee was paid in Block 1). If you are a brand new student registering in Block 2, the total will automatically be $57.19 w/MPP fee).

Adult Credit= $46.80

Student Transcripts are $2.00 each (for an unofficial copy).

Please have the exact amount (no loose change).