Monday Message

Monday Message

(Updated every Tuesday)

This is Mr. Phillips, principal of Lutz K-8 School.

Please be reminded there are no additional early release Mondays for the remainder of the school year.  In addition, please be reminded that school now dismisses at 2:15 P.M.  

This is a reminder that there is no school for students this Friday 2/14.  Monday 2/17 is a full student day as this is a make-up day for all students. 

Thank you to the families who have supported the initiative around the property up for rezoning in front of the school. There is no need to attend tomorrow’s meeting at 9:00 A.M. as the applicant has withdrawn its application with the county to request rezoning.  Thank you to all of our families’ efforts around ensuring the zoning of the property did not change!  If there is any additional information shared, we will be sure to pass the information along. 

This week is spirit week sponsored by student government.  Bring a dollar to dress up each day this week. 

This Thursday is a PTSA spirit night at Milestonez.  Stop by for an afternoon of fun!

Tonight our middle school soccer teams compete against Liberty Middle School at Freedom High School at 6:00 P.M.  Next Monday our soccer teams compete against Turner Bartels K-8 School at 6:00 P.M.  Come on out and support our Lutz Leopards.

Tomorrow is spring picture day.  This is a non-uniform day for students.  Please be sure students adhere to the Hillsborough County dress code. 

This Wednesday is our elementary and middle school All Pro Dads Meeting.  Come join us for a morning of fun in the media center starting at 7:00 A.M.

Progress alerts for quarter three will begin to go home February 13th through next week.

Please be reminded dismissal is at 2:15 P.M. It would be best for middle school parents to arrive after 2:22 P.M. as this would help to expedite our dismissal. If you are a middle school parent who arrives prior to 2:22 P.M., please follow the elementary pick-up point line and pull into the grass and staff will inform you when it is time to move to the middle school pick-up point location. Please refrain from parking in the front staff parking lot as this slows down the traffic flow during dismissal and helps to ensure safety for all stakeholders and ensures the car line continues to move smoothly. In addition, please refrain from utilizing driveways of individuals on 4th street and 5th street on the way to pick up point as this is causing safety concerns.  We are asking all parents to adhere to right turns only when exiting onto U.S. Highway 41. This will help to assist with traffic back-up into the school and will help to ensure a quicker dismissal process.

Lutz K-8 school will remain a closed campus to ensure the safety and security of staff and students. We do have staff members present at drop-off locations to assist with ensuring your students arrive in their classrooms safely. If you are walking students up to the front of the school, please drop them off near the gates to keep our campus secure. We appreciate your attention and understanding to this matter.

We want to remind all parents that our cell phone and uniform policy for students has been updated this school year. Students should be following our uniform policy on campus and the use of cell phones is prohibited at all times unless students utilize a device with a teacher for learning purposes.

Don’t forget to join our PTSA for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents can go to to sign-up. On the website you can access information on ordering spirit gear for this school year.

Once again this is Mr. Phillips, the principal at Lutz K-8 school and each day is a new day of learning for leopards!