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Gowns for Girls (Free Prom Gowns)

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Gowns For Girls is a nonprofit organization which provides prom and homecoming dresses to high school students in the Tampa Bay Area for their school dances. We are a nonprofit that relies heavily on donations and volunteers.

Students qualify if they appear in person with an adult or with a valid high school ID and attest that they are currently having financial difficulties. Students also qualify if school or agency officials have referred them. We operate on the honor system.

We will set up our boutique for this prom season

at King High School, 6815 N 56th Street, Tampa, 33610

2/8/25                       10:00 am – 2:00 pm                                

2/15/25                     10:00 am – 2:00 pm        

2/22/25                     10:00 am – 2:00 pm        

3/8/25                       10:00 am – 2:00 pm

If you need additional information, contact us at or visit our website