School News
Upcoming Events
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Financial Aid Night @ Sickles High School (High School Seniors)
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Track at Sumner
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Math Homework Hotline
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Baseball vs. Wharton (Away)
February 13, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Financial Aid Night @ Leto High School (High School Seniors)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Baseball vs. Robinson (Home)
February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 20, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Financial Aid Night @ Jefferson High School (High School Seniors)
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Math Homework Hotline
February 24, 2025
February 27, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Financial Aid Night @ Steinbrenner High School (High School Seniors)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Student Online Safety Discussion
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL(S): Talana Greene, Richard Peacock, John Baker, Priscilla Santacruz, Aimee Alexander - Shea
Florida Construction Career Day
March 26, 2025
Lennard 2024 - 2025 Parking Information
Lennard High School
Student Parking Rules and Regulations 2024-2025
Please read the following rules and regulations. student and parent signatureS are required to be issued a parking decal. Signing below indicates understanding and agreeing to these regulations. parking on campus is a privilege. any violation of the followING rules/regulations will result in disciplinary action.
- The cost is $20 and is available for purchase through (Same website as your student's lunch account) Confirmation of payment is required.
- Bring copies of your driver's license, registration, insurance, and this form signed by both student & parent to the Student Affairs office.
- Parking decals must be attached to the rear view mirror and visible through the front windshield. Decals must be displayed while on campus. A parking fine of $25.00 will be assessed if the decal is not properly displayed or is missing from the vehicle. The cost to replace a damaged or lost decal is $10.00.
- Vehicles may be parked in the student parking lot only. The parking spaces marked “reserved” are off limits. The faculty, handicapped, visitor, and bus ramp areas are off limits. Parking in unauthorized areas will result in a loss of parking privileges, a parking citation of $25.00 and/or towing of the student’s vehicle. Unauthorized parking in the Senior section will result in loss of driving privileges.
- Any student who accumulates three or more tardies and/or sign-ins to 1st period in any 9-week period will lose driving privileges.
- If you have 15 Unexcused Absences within a 90-day period, your license will be suspended.
- Parking decals are not transferable. Students must not loan a decal to another student for any reason. Students cannot use their assigned decal to display on another student’s vehicle. Failure to follow this rule will result in loss of parking privileges and/or out-of-school suspension.
- Students who sell, loan, give, alter, or otherwise misuse a Lennard High School decal will be disciplined, including but not limited to the loss of parking privileges and/or out-of-school suspension.
- The student parking lot is off limits during the school day, except upon arrival or dismissal. Students may not be in the parking lot during the day without written authorization from an Assistant Principal. Students in violation of this policy will be considered “Out of Assigned Area” and subject to ISS or OSS.
- Standing around or sitting in a car is prohibited in the parking lot. Students must report directly to the building (cafeteria/courtyard/classroom) upon arrival at Lennard High School and must leave the parking lot immediately after dismissal. Playing loud and/or obscene music is prohibited.
- The speed limit on campus is FIVE miles per hour. Safe driving must be observed at all times. Failure to observe the speed limit will result in loss of driving privileges.
- All flags must be stowed away while parked on campus.
- There are no assigned parking spaces for underclassman students. Parking spaces are available each day on a first come, first served basis.
- Lennard High School and Hillsborough County Public Schools are not responsible for damages or theft to automobiles, trucks, or bicycles. Lennard High School & HCPS are not responsible for damages or theft of the contents left in vehicles. Valuables of any kind should not be left in your vehicles and doors should be kept locked at all times.
- Driving is a privilege. Any student who is in violation of our policies, including the use of a vehicle to leave campus without permission, may be subject to forfeiture of their permit and revocation of privilege, as well as ISS or OSS.
- Student vehicles parked on campus are subject to search at any time. Refusal to agree to a search will result in OSS and possible change of placement.